Page 22 - 16_17_Autumn_Spring_Euro_TD_eCatalog
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B31.4 & B31.8, Liquids and Gas Pipelines In-line Inspections for Pipelines
PD723 PD706
Pipelines are surprisingly varied and complex. Using the ASME From simple beginnings, the use of in-line inspection (ILI) technologies
B31.4 and B31.8 Standards as a framework, this course also covers in the pipeline industry has grown significantly during the last two
a large number of other subjects vitally important to the safety and decades. Today, more than ever, there is an understanding between
reliability of pipelines. It provides the attendee with broad, but detailed industry and regulators that ILI is a go-to methodology for maintaining
information that technical personnel involved in all phases of pipeline pipeline integrity. ILI has given rise to three interested parties, which
work, from design and engineering through operations, maintenance, are the regulators, the pipeline operators, and the ILI vendors. This
and regulatory oversight need to know to ensure that their pipeline is course provides an overview of how these three stakeholders interact,
safe and reliable. This course is suitable for those new to pipelines, as from a technical perspective.
well as providing a good refresher for experienced personnel.
ILI is categorized by technology. Various technologies are used,
The B31.8 and B31.4 pipeline Standards are unique among piping specifically, for finding different defect types. It is the different defect
standards because they cover the entire life cycle, from design types that lead to pipeline failures that drive the ILI technologies. An
and construction, through operation, maintenance, and integrity understanding of these defect types is the precursor to understanding
management. Each standard contains introductory language that lays ILI technologies. This course reviews the defect types and ILI
out its intent and scope. technologies that support the detection and sizing of the various
The ASME B31 Code establishes a process of design for integrity that defect types.
involves classifying stresses by significance for failure, establishing ILI Standards exist to assist both pipeline operators and regulators
maximum allowable limits to avoid failure, identifying loads and to implement ILI. The course reviews these Standards and other
calculating the stresses that result, and comparing the estimated documentation to assist attendees in their role in the implementation
stresses to the maximum allowable. Students learn where these of the ILI process.
concepts came from and how to apply them. Finally, the course addresses how to deal with discrepancies between
Each participant will receive copies of the ASME codebooks, B31.8 reported and actual defects and anomalies. After taking the course,
- 2014 Gas Transmission and Distribution and ASME B31.4 Pipeline attendees should understand how and why inspection technologies
Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries. are selected and used in typical applications. After completing this
course, attendees will grasp the fact that the responsibility for “getting
You Will Learn To it right” (i.e., a pipeline has good integrity) rests with the pipeline
• Describe the basic elements of pipeline design, construction and
You Will Learn To
• Explain how to apply principles of safe pipeline design and • Identify pipeline defect types that cause failure
• Explain why particular ILI technologies should be used for specific
• Explain the causes and modes of pipeline failure defect types.
• Describe the considerations for material specifications, pipe • Explain why or why not ILI is applicable to various defect types
manufacturing, and pipe joining
• Identify ILI performance specifications
• Explain how to estimate pipeline stresses from external loadings
• Analyze Industry Standards and other documentation on ILI
• Describe the factors that affect the optimal pipe size and operating
pressure • Describe whether an ILI was either effective or ineffective
• Explain how to evaluate of pipeline defects • Explain how to generate confidence in the integrity of a pipeline
using ILI
• Identify pipeline repair techniques
• Identify the elements of pipeline integrity Who Should Attend
• Explain how code requirements address pipeline issues This course is aimed at pipeline integrity engineers with limited
exposure to in-line inspection and other integrity engineers/
Who Should Attend supervisors/managers interested in the relative strengths and
weaknesses of using ILI technologies to determine and maintain
This course is ideal for anyone involved in engineering or technical pipeline integrity.
aspects of pipelines, including designers, engineers, engineering
managers, construction supervisors, operations supervisors, Special Requirements:
inspectors, code compliance managers, asset integrity managers, The instructor requires that students bring a laptop with them to class.
pipeline safety regulators, and consultants. While engineering
concepts are discussed, technicians to managers can benefit. Instructor: To be announced
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Instructor: To be announced Date: 19-20 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain
3 Days, 1.9 CEUs, 19 PDHs 15-16 March 2017, Scandinavia
Date: 17-19 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain 21-22 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
15-16 March 2017, Scandinavia Member: €1.100 / List Price €1.200
19-21 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
Member: €1.500 / List Price €1.600