Page 26 - 16_17_Autumn_Spring_Euro_TD_eCatalog
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Integrity Management of Natural Gas Pipeline Integrity Issues, Mitigation,
Pipelines Using the ASME B31.8S Standard Prevention and Repair Using ASME
NEW! B31.8S Standard NEW!
This two-day MasterClass provides the requirements for developing This two-day MasterClass provides the requirements for improving
an integrity management programme for gas pipelines using ASME the integrity of gas pipelines using ASME B31.8S, the most widely
B31.8S, the most widely used Code for managing pipeline integrity. used Code for pipeline integrity management. The course focuses
on Table 7.1-1 in ASME B31.8S Code, and how it should be
The course explains how to develop and execute an Integrity used to create a programme that more than meets the minimum
Management Programme (IMP). It discusses the best practices requirements of US and other regulations. Table 7.1-1 lists all 22
for risk management systems, reviews integrity assessments and threats to pipelines and provides two pages of various technologies
responses to integrity assessments, and the priority for repairs. It and proven solutions to address each.
provides details and examples of alternative integrity assessment
methods, as well as preventive and mitigation measures. This course explains how to develop and execute an IMP using
both of the ASME B31.8 and B31.8S Codes, as well as other
This course includes in-class exercises and its content complements relevant standards. It discusses the best practices for use in system
the ASME B31.8 Code, which covers the design, operation, maintenance design, operations for and maintaining integrity, and discusses the
and repair of natural gas distribution and transmission pipelines.
appropriate technologies for pipeline repairs. It provides details
You Will Learn To and examples of alternatives, as well as alternate preventive and
mitigation measures.
• Explain the guiding principles of pipeline safety and where IMP
fits in a Safety Management System Complementing the ASME B31.8 code, this course covers the
design, operation, maintenance, and repair of natural gas distribution
• Explain the components of the Integrity Management Process and transmission pipelines and ASME B31.8S.
and the means by which an IMP is developed
You Will Learn To
• Explain the requirements of standards for integrity management
• Explain the many prevention and detection practices to ensure
• Explain how High Consequence Areas (HCA) are defined and created
pipeline safety
• Describe integrity threats as outlined in B31.8S, including time
dependent, time independent, resident and interactive • Describe how the use of certain prevention and detection
practices from the ASME B31.8S Standard, as well 49CFR192
• Describe integrity assessment methods in B31.8S, such as the regulations, interact for improved performance and ensure
types of inline inspection (ILI) tools and their functions maximum safety
• Perform a risk assessment for an HCA • Specify prevention and repair solutions for each threat and
• Explain prevention and mitigation responses outside of HCAs improve the IMP performance for gas pipelines
• Define Fitness-for-Service and describe how it is used in integrity • Explain the reasons why one prevention and repair solution may
management be better than another; or why both together can be even more
• Identify prevention and mitigation measures to reduce risk
Who Should Attend
• Describe the additional elements in an IMP, including performance,
communications, change management and quality control Pipeline personnel who have the responsibility for integrity and
safety, including senior pipeline managers, pipeline engineers,
Who Should Attend operations and maintenance personnel as well as others involved
Pipeline personnel who have responsibility for integrity and safety, in the training for and implementation of integrity management
including senior pipeline managers, pipeline engineers, operations programmes
and maintenance personnel as well as others involved in the training 2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
for and implementation of integrity management programmes Date: 19-20 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain
15-16 March 2017, Scandinavia
2 Days, 1.5 CEUs, 15 PDHs
Date: 17-18 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain 21-22 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
13-14 March 2017, Scandinavia Member: €1.250 / List Price €1.350
19-20 June, 2017, Milan, Italy
Member: €1.250 / List Price €1.350
Keith Leewis, Ph.D., brings over 40 years’ Keith Leewis, Ph.D., brings over 40 years’
experience in pipeline engineering, design, experience in pipeline engineering, design,
materials, operations and integrity management materials, operations and integrity management
in the operations and engineering sectors of in the operations and engineering sectors of
the energy industry. An integrity engineer, he the energy industry. An integrity engineer, he
provides technical assessments that assist provides technical assessments that assist
clients in achieving comprehensive and clients in achieving comprehensive and
timely regulatory approvals. As an ASME timely regulatory approvals. As an ASME
committee member, Leewis strives to improve committee member, Leewis strives to improve
the international standards for the design and the international standards for the design and
integrity management of natural gas pipelines, integrity management of natural gas pipelines,
including the API & NACE standards related to including the API & NACE standards related to
integrity assessment. integrity assessment.