Page 6 - ASME AM3D/IDETC/CIE 2015 Program
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Conference Reception FutureME MINI-TALKS
Monday, August 3, 2015 Sunday, August 2, 2015
6:30pm – 9:30pm 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Location: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Location: Room 200, Level 2
Presented by the ASME Board on Career Development
This reception is included in the registration fee for Full registration
attendees only. One Day Attendees and guests may purchase a
ticket to this function for $75. Program Moderator: Bryony DuPont,
Chartered buses will transport attendees to and from the JFK Pres- Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical,
idential Library and Museum. Buses will begin departing the Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering,
Hynes Convention Center at 6:00pm. Return transportation to the Oregon State University
Sheraton Boston Hotel will begin at approximately 9:00pm.

Overcoming the Challenges of Effective
Sponsors & Exhibitors Reception Communication in the Realm of Interdis-
ciplinary Pursuits
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Paul Egan, Engineering Design and Computing
5:30pm – 8:00pm
Laboratory, ETH Zurich
Location: Exhibit Hall C, Level 2
R&D that blurs disciplinary boundaries often yields revolutionary
This reception is complementary for registered attendees. Guests discoveries and products, yet there is little established advice for
tickets are $50 early career engineers pursuing these highly ambitious interdisciplin-
ary projects. Even less advice exists for effectively overcoming the
This reception will allow you the opportunity to network with this inevitable challenges—especially for how to effectively communicate
year’s exhibitors and sponsors. Attendees who have visited every across disciplinary borders. Although each interdisciplinary
exhibit booth (and have their exhibit passport stamped) will be endeavor is unique, there are common communication pitfalls that
entered into a raffle for a 3D Printer!
exist regardless of the disciplines involved, which emerge due to
differing knowledge, skills, and values. This talk aims to deliver
guidelines for effectively communicating across disciplines while
TECHNICAL TOUR pursuing interdisciplinary endeavors—the advice that all interdisci-

plinary engineers wish they had, but never heard.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Technical Tour
Wednesday, August 5, 2015 Collaboration: Building Connections

3:00pm – 5:00pm Meghann Noonan, Associate Project Engineer,
Hasbro, Inc.
Location: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Meghann Noonan will discuss her journey in
This tour is a ticketed function. The cost is $35. learning that communication comes in many forms

This tour of MIT will highlight a series of labs performing research and is interpreted differently by everyone. Not only is how you
related to additive manufacturing and digital fabrication within the communicate with others important, but the perception of how you
MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering, Media Laboratory, communicate is equally as important. Noonan’s research experienc-
and MIT-SUTD International Design Center. The tour will conclude es, as well as group projects throughout college, gave her a good
with a visit to the MIT Museum. Space is expected to fill. Act base understanding of her communication style, or so she thought.
quickly! Transportation will be provided from the Hynes Conven- During her tenure at Hasbro Inc. Noonan has been working with
tion Center. The bus will depart the Hynes Convention Center at
2:30pm sharp. Attendees are encouraged to meet at the Boylston
Street entrance on Level 1 at 2:15pm.

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