Page 7 - The complete woman - WomenWithDifference
P. 7


                      CONFIDENCE IN A WOMAN

                       BY SUNNI MALLO (LIFESTYLE COACH)

               *Confidence as a word is something I guess everyone of us is familiar with but
               today I want us to look deeper than the word itself into the application of that

               word. I believe confidence is something each and everyone of us had at some
               point in out lives ( especially as children) until we started loosing it or lost it
               *A confident woman*

               *A confident woman is not afraid to try something new*

               Some of us are used to the comfort of our routine. Do something that scares you
               a little, experiment with life! Teach yourself to do something, (how to bake or
               braid hair or drive a car, repair a toaster etc). It helps you to rely on yourself.
               Do Something you have shied away from doing, for a long time. (Good things of
               course).  This may include arranging your first big meeting or addressing the
               group teenagers in your Church or preaching a sermon or taking a new job or
               even trying a new recipe. Whatever it is.
               When you try, your confidence soar. That is what a confident woman does and

               would do.

               2. *A confident woman  develops herself*
               Select an area for personal and professional development. (Glad this platform
               provides some of that).
               Plan to attend that course that will give you the needed skill, read that book,

               attend that training, get a trainer. Whatever it takes. Stick to your self
               development plan and don't give EXCUSES. That's what a confident woman will

               *A confident woman Is not afraid to Fail*
               She believes that there is no failure only feedback then she tries it again!
                She acts as if you had all the confidence in the world.
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