Page 9 - The complete woman - WomenWithDifference
P. 9

escape them completely and trying to deal with them in the most appropriate

               way possible is always difficult and can cause tension in your marriage.
                     It doesn't matter how much love exists between you and your partner, if you
               have in-law issues, you are going to struggle extra hard to achieve and maintain
               basic happiness and peace in your marriage. Too many women struggle when it
               comes to relating with in-laws. Given the importance our culture places on family,
               any misunderstanding is almost going to come with knock on effects, which in
               many cases affect the marriage negatively.

               There are proven ways to improve significantly your relationship with your in-
                   1.  LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS
               Most of us have huge expectations of what our families should be like. When our
               realities don't live up to those expectations, it can be more than disappointing.
               Try to adjust exponentially when it comes to in-laws. Your father in-law may not
               be a lovable person and your mother in-law may be the nagging type; anything

               you do seem to irritate them. They may even want to dictate how your home
               should be run; how you spend your husband’s money; how you cook in the house,
               and many more. In these cases, what do you do? Love them!
               1 john 3:11, 1 john 3:18. God is love and His love has been shared in our heart by
               the Holy Ghost(ROM 5:5). Let's make conscious effort to extend this love to our
               in-laws unconditionally.

               Also, grow to become close with your in-laws, start by being friendly and treating

               them nice, that will be a huge plus. Don't say it is impossible because you can do
               all things through Christ who strengthens you. And in so doing your spouse will
               love you more.

               A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband, (proverbs 12:4). Remember that

               your husband married, loved and cherished his mother before you came into his
               life. Don't bring misunderstanding between your spouse and your In-laws.

               How do you know a foolish woman? You start first by hearing her speak, because
               the words of a man reveal his person. The Bible says "A foolish woman is
               clamorous. She is simple and knoweth nothing"(proverbs 9:13). When you speak
               to your In-laws, are they inspired by the words that come out of your mouth? The
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