Page 65 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
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                     WHS DUAL-ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2019-2020

                         Waunakee      Post-Secondary   Post-
      Waunakee HS        HS Course     Institution      Secondary   Post-Secondary Course   Grade Level Stipulations
      Course Name                                                  Name                     *Grade of C or Better
                         Instructor    Name/Credits     Credits
      Accounting         Trumbower     Madison College   3 credits   Accounting I           10, 11, 12
                                                                   Biotechnology Career
      Biotech Career Apps  Knapp       Madison College   1 Credit                           10, 11, 12
      Biotechnology      Knapp         Madison College   1 Credit   Biotechnology Applications  10, 11, 12
      Concepts of        Ryan          University of Iowa  3 credits   Exploring            11, 12 (70% or higher on exam)
      Entrepreneurship                                             Entrepreneurship
      French V           Thompson      UW-Oshkosh       5 Credits   French 204              11, 12
      Health Science     Gascho        Madison College   2 Credits   Health Care Career     9, 10, 11, 12
      Occupations                                                  Exploration
      Marketing 1        Meinholz      Madison College   3 Credits   Marketing Principles   10, 11, 12
      Medical            Gascho        Madison College   3 Credits   Medical Terminology    11, 12
      Metal Fabrication   France       Madison College   3 Credits
      MS Excel & Access   Ryan         Madison College   1 Credit   Beginning Excel         10, 11, 12
      MS Excel & Access   Ryan         Madison College   1 Credit   Beginning Access        10, 11, 12
      MS Office Advanced   Ryan/Gard   Madison College   1 Credit   Beginning Word          10, 11, 12
      MS Office Advanced   Ryan/Gard   Madison College   1 Credit   Beginning PowerPoint    10, 11, 12
                                                                   Elementary Algebra with
      Senior Algebra     Lussier       Madison College   3 Credits                          11, 12
      Spanish V          Simmons       UW-Oshkosh       5 Credits   Spanish 204             11, 12
      Spanish VI         Simmons       UW-Oshkosh       5 Credits   Spanish 312             12
      Welding            France        Madison College   3 Credits
      Project Lead the Way Courses (MSOE = Milwaukee School of Engineering, WTC = Wisconsin Technical Colleges)

      Principles of      Rademacher    MSOE             3 Credits   Prin. of Engineering (GE-1001)
      Engineering                      Visit
                                                        for specific information.
                                                                   Intro to Engineering Design
      Intro to Engineering   France/   MSOE             3 Credits   (GE-1002)               MSOE:  Complete course with a
      Design             Willauer      Visit   B average, pass final exam
                                                        for specific information.           within the cut score, complete
                                       MSOE             3 Credits   Digital Electronics (GE-1003)   MSOE form and pay processing
      Digital Electronics   France     Visit
                                                        for specific information.           fee for each class.
                                                                   Principles of Biomedical
      Principles of      Moore         MSOE             3 Credits   Sciences (BI-1001)
      Biomedical Science               Visit
                                                        for specific information.
      CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) Test Courses (For more information see

      Waunakee HS Course                                CLEP Test Available
      Advanced Accounting                               Financial Accounting
      Management & Ethics                               Principles of Management
      Marketing 2                                       Principles of Marketing

         Information regarding Post-Secondary credit can change due to policies at higher ed institutions. See instructor for up to date information.
                     Need to know if or how your credits will transfer?  Check out
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