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P. 69
Course ID: AGR1071 Course ID: AGR2092
*2019-20 School Year Offering (Alternating Years) Prerequisite: Animal Science or Instructor Written Consent
Prerequisite: None Credit: 1/2 (Semester 2)
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 1) Grades: 10-12
Grades: 9-12 Description: Science credit is awarded for successful completion of this
Description: This course focuses on hands-on learning about plants course as it is recognized as a science equivalency by the Wisconsin
through the use and management of the Greenhouse, Outdoor Department of Public Instruction as a third science credit. Students will
Education Center and the “Garden of Dreams’ (School and actively gain skills and knowledge related to animal health and
Community Garden). As a class, students will maintain and improve veterinary medicine through animals’ labs, demonstrations, and
the plant life of the Outdoor Education Center to learn the principles partnerships with local veterinary clinics and veterinarians. Hands-on
of plant science and landscaping. This course is heavily lab-based and labs will be major portions of the course. Each student will complete an
much of the first half of the semester will be spent outside. Each SAE Project, which allows them to explore and earn skills in a
student will complete an SAE Project, which allows them to explore career/area of their choice. Units of Study include: Careers, Vet Medical
and earn skills in a career/area of their choice. Units of Study include: Testing, Anatomy, Animal Handling & Restraint, Disease, Administrating
Careers, Landscaping, Floriculture (flowers, bouquets, and Drugs, Hospital Procedures, Medical Instruments, Animal Therapy, Vet
boutonnières), Propagation, Greenhouse Management, Plant Math, Sanitation and Safety, and Medical Terminology.
Identification, Pruning, Plant Nutrients/Fertilizer, Gardening, Plant
Management (lawn, tree, shrub, vegetable, and houseplants).
Course ID: AGR1082
Prerequisite: None
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 2)
Grades: 9-10
Description: Through projects, labs, and field trips, students will learn
how to properly care for pets and recreational animals. Students will
explore feeding, breeding, training and detection and control of
disease and parasites. This course involves many hands-on activities
with small animals and the care of project animals for the semester.
Each student will complete an SAE Project, which allows them to
explore and earn skills in a career/area of their choice. Units of Study
include: Dogs, cats, rodents, fish, reptiles, exotics, cost of pets,
choosing a pet, and nutrition and digestion.
Students entering 11th and/or 12th grade who are interested in occupational class work that combines academic and technical
studies with mentored, on-the-job training at a local business can apply for an:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Youth Apprenticeship
This rigorous one- or two-year program includes a pathway for Agriculture or a Veterinary Technician Assistant. Please refer to
the “School to Career” section in the course handbook for more information on this work based learning opportunity that
provides students with industry-defined occupational and employability skills.