Page 70 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
P. 70
Course Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
3D Computer Animation I E E E
3D Computer Animation II E E
Advanced Art Workshop E
Art Lab Assistant E E E
Art Metals E E
Big IDEA (Innovation, Design, Engineering, and Art Level 2) E E E E
Ceramics E E
Drawing & Painting E E
Elements of Art 2D E E E E
Elements of Art 3D E E E E
Graphic Design: Principles and Illustration E E E E
IDEA (Innovation, Design, Engineering, and Art) E E E E
Photography E E
Photoshop I E E E
Photoshop II E E
Principles of Design 2D E E E
Principles of Design 3D E E E
Printmaking E E
Textiles E E
E = Elective and the year student is eligible to take the course.
Art Education Course Sequence
Course ID: ART2042 Course ID: ART3042
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: 3D Computer Animation I
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 2) Credit: 1/2 (Semester 2)
Grades: 10-12 Grades: 11-12
Description: Although not a prerequisite, a student would benefit Description: The second semester will focus on the special effects
from having completed Photoshop I along with an introductory Art systems available under AutoDesk’s Maya for the creation of complex
course. AutoDesk’s Maya is a comprehensive 3D Animation Software. and detailed world spaces and developing the necessary
In this course students will use Maya to learn modeling, simulation, understanding of lighting, timing and movement for successful
rendering. This course offers high-end character and effects toolsets animation. We will also try our hand at full scale character creation
along with increased productivity for modeling, texturing, and shader going from idea to sketch to digital rough to finished player. As time
creation tasks. Units of Study include: 3D Computer Animation allows we will also move on into the rather more challenging field of
students can expect to learn how to build complex objects which character animation of integration into a designed environment.
interact with other objects in the scene. Students will learn how to Second semester students will be encouraged/expected to process the
properly light the scene, apply surfaces to the various objects and entire scope of animation as their semester project. From shoreline to
show the physical effects when these objects influence each other. edits to story boards to character sketches to layout to world mapping
Students will learn how to form objects and apply the forces of friction to character insertion and system interaction.
and gravity to model various short animations around 60 seconds in
length. Students will create three or four short projects centered on
some specific function, force or process.