Page 74 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
P. 74
Course ID: BUS2041 OR BUS2051 OR BUS2062 OR BUS2072 Course ID: BUS3041
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None
Credit: 1/4 (Quarter 1, 2, 3 or 4) Credit: 1/2 (Semester 1)
Grades: 10-11 Grades: 11-12
Description: Career Workshop is a course that will help students Description: Interested in a career in business or management?
identify and refine the interpersonal skills and values that lead to This course is designed to prepare students for a post-secondary
success in the world of work. In this required class, students will education in business or a career in any type of management field.
create a resume and cover letter. They will fill out a job application Management and Ethics focuses on Project Based Learning,
and ask someone to write them a letter of recommendation. Professional Presentations, and Complex Case Studies. Topics
Students will explore career clusters and career options to start the included in this course include the fundamentals of management,
development of an academic and career plan. historical theories and theorists, global business, professional
etiquette and ethics. Students will be collaborative learners by
CONCEPTS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP using Google Applications for Education, and other online learning
Course ID: BUS3031 tools to learn about the changing world of business leadership and
Prerequisite: None management. Curriculum in this course helps prepare students for
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 1) successful completion of the Principles of Management CLEP exam
Grades: 11-12 offered at many colleges and universities to earn college credits.
Description: Are you interested in designing and operating your own
business along with growing the American economy? Well, there is MARKETING 1
a lot of work that goes into it! This project-oriented course will begin Course ID: BUS2021-2022
day one with a “hands-on” approach to creating a business of your Prerequisite: None
own. Numerous video links and guest speakers enhance the class by Credit: 1.0 (Semester 1 & 2)
sharing their successes and failures from business ventures they Grades: 10-12
have tried. Working in partnership with the University of Iowa, Description: This foundation course focuses on value-based
students who complete the final exam may earn marketing and the marketing mix, as well as product, price, place,
three college credits to take with them when they graduate high and promotion. Junior and senior students enrolled in Marketing I
school. will also be eligible to enroll concurrently in the Marketing Youth
Apprenticeship. A requirement of the course is working the school
DOLLARS & SENSE store (Warrior Corner) for lab-based learning. Students are also
Course ID: BUS1011 OR BUS1012 encouraged to participate in DECA, the co-curricular organization.
Prerequisite: None Units of study include: customer service, target marketing, ethics,
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 1 or 2) consumer behavior, market research, branding & pricing. Marketing
Grades: 9-10 1 offers dual-credit options with Madison College.
Description: Everyone needs to know basic personal finance skills
such as checkbook management, electronic banking and MARKETING 2
fundamentals of insurance. Students will learn about the wise use of
credit, the fundamentals of insurance, and gain insight into different Course ID: BUS3021-3022
Marketing 1 (C or higher)
forms of investing and saving. Students will also study the Federal Credit: 1.0 (Semester 1 & 2)
Reserve System and services offered by banking institutions. Grades: 11-12
Students will become aware of their financial responsibility as a Description: This course is designed to expand the concepts from
citizen, student, family member, consumer, and active participant in
the business world. Dollars and Sense will provide a basic foundation Marketing I with a focus on “real-world” marketing. Junior and senior
for other business courses. students enrolled in Marketing 2 will also be eligible to enroll
concurrently in the Marketing Youth Apprenticeship. It is suggested
GLOBAL BUSINESS that students finishing the Marketing 2 coursework consider taking
the CLEP Principles of Marketing Exam, which is the equivalent of an
Course ID: BUS3051 advanced placement test. More information is available from the
Prerequisite: None instructor. The ASK Certification (industry specific exam) is available
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 1) to all students who take this course. A requirement of the course is
Grades: 11-12 working the school store (Warrior Corner) for lab-based learning.
Description: We live in an ever-expanding global marketplace, and Students are also strongly encouraged to participate in DECA, the co-
many Waunakee students will eventually have careers in that curricular organization. Units of study include: pricing, supply chain
marketplace. This course will provide students with an management, merchandising, promotion & advertising, sales &
understanding of how and why businesses choose to expand their tourism marketing.
operations into other countries. Students will be exposed to the
unique challenges facing corporations doing business internationally
and to the potential opportunities and markets that are lost to
corporations that choose not to do business in the global
marketplace. Project based learning, professional presentations,
and complex case studies will be incorporated into the curriculum.