Page 78 - Microsoft Word - WHS Course Guide 19-20
P. 78

     AMERICAN LITERATURE                                        19  Century Theatre, Asian Theatre Introductory, Italian and Spanish
     Course ID:   ENG3022                                       Theatre, and Elizabethan Theatre.
     Prerequisite:   English 10 or Advanced English 10
     Credit:      1/2 (Semester 2)                              ENGLISH 9
     Grades:      11-12                                         Course ID:    ENG1011-1012
     Description:  This course replaces American Character and American   Prerequisite:   None
     Novel, and students may not repeat this course if either of those   Credit:     1.0 (Semester 1 & 2)
     courses were taken previously. This course is meant to explore the   Grades:   9
     history, culture, and values of America as portrayed by literature. To   Description:  English 9 is designed to provide students with a solid
     accomplish  this,  students  will  read  collections  of  short  stories,   foundation  of  analytical  and  communication  skills.    To  improve
     novels, and poetry from various historic and literary time periods   students’  abilities  to  communicate,  critical  reading,  writing,  and
     and discuss how these works reflect our society. Emphasis will be   thinking skills are stressed. Other integral parts of the course include
     placed  on  the  literary  movements  and  themes  common  in  each   developing vocabulary, grammar, and research skills. Writing Skills:
     work.  Students  taking  this  class  should  expect  to  display  their   The  writing  process  will  be  incorporated  throughout  the  year.
     knowledge  through  daily  discussion,  projects,  journals,  and   Writings include research paper, compare/contrast paper, analytical
     analytical essay writing. Areas of Study: Native American Mythology,   essay,  and  informal  writing.  Language:  Language  skills  will  be
     Romanticism,  Transcendentalism,  Naturalism,  Modernism,  Post-  reviewed throughout the  year. Emphasis  will be  on  understanding
     Modernism.                                                 and  applying  grammatical  usage  rules  in  their  writing.  Literature:
                                                                Students will analyze literary devices and themes in a variety of short
     BRITISH LITERATURE                                         stories. The Odyssey, Romeo & Juliet and a dystopian unit featuring
     Course ID:   ENG4011                                       reading  Anthem  followed  by  a  choice  of  an  additional  dystopian
     Prerequisite:   English 10 or Advanced English 10          novel.
     Credit:      1/2 (Semester 1)
     Grades:      12                                            ENGLISH 10
     Description:    British  Literature  is  a  challenging  class  designed  for   Course ID:   ENG2011-2012
     those  college-bound  seniors  who  enjoy  literature  and  wish  to   Prerequisite:   English 9
     concentrate on British authors. A considerable amount of reading   Credit:     1.0 (Semester 1 & 2)
     and writing should be  expected. Discussion also plays  an integral   Grades:   10
     role. The literature is arranged chronologically from the Anglo-Saxon   Description:    English  10  builds  on  the  foundation  established  in
     and Medieval periods through the early part of the 20th century.   English 9. The importance of using correct language to enhance good
     Readings include poems, essays, novels, and a Shakespearean play.   communication is emphasized. In addition to a review of grammar
     Units  of  Study  include:  Age  of  Reason,  Romantics,  Victorians,   and usage, students will study writing, vocabulary, and literature.
     Twentieth Century, Medieval, Renaissance, and Anglo-Saxon.   Writing Skills: Students will use the writing process throughout the
                                                                year. Reflective Essays; Compare/Contrast Essays; Persuasive Essays;
     CREATIVE WRITING                                           Research  Essay.  Language:  Students  will  review  and  practice
     Course ID:   ENG3101-3102                                  language skills throughout the year. Language usage and vocabulary
     Prerequisite:   English 10 or Advanced English 10          skills are emphasized throughout the year. Literature: Students will
     Credit:      1/2 (Semester 1 or 2)                         read and discuss a variety of literature throughout the year. Students
     Grades:      11-12                                         will read short stories, dramas, poems, fiction and non-fiction.
     Description:  Sophomores  may  enroll  with  consent  of  Instructor.
     Advanced  Composition  is  strongly  encouraged  before  enrollment   MASS MEDIA
     in Creative Writing. Students will learn how to write poetry, stories,   Course ID:   ENG3222
     and  other  forms  within  a  writing  workshop  environment  that   Prerequisite:   English 10 or Advanced English 10
     emphasizes  student  growth  and  reflection,  peer  review,  and   Credit:     1/2 (Semester 2)
     student-teacher conferences.                               Grades:       11-12
                                                                Description:  Students will examine mass communications such as
     DRAMATIC LITERATURE                                        television,  radio,  advertising,  magazines,  film,  popular  music,  and
     Course ID:   ENG3061                                       social  media.  Emphasis  will  be  placed  on  standards  of  quality  of
     Prerequisite:   English 10 or Advanced English 10          these forms and how they influence attitudes and values. Students
     Credit:      1/2 (Semester 1)                              will  be  required  to  do  several  media-related  projects,  which  will
     Grades:      11-12                                         demonstrate their understanding of how different media work and
     Description: Students will grow in their knowledge and understanding   how they affect the audience and society’s values. This course will
     of  theatre.  Emphasis  will  be  placed  on  analyzing  the  plays  and   lead to improved critical thinking as a consumer for each medium.
     characters of many different time periods in an effort to understand   Units  of  Study  include:  Communication  Process;  Advertising-
     the art form and its place in society and history. Students will learn   Marketing & the Influence of Social Media, The Aural Media (radio &
     about all aspects of the theatre and its literature. Students will be   music), and The Visual Media (television and film) with emphasis.
     expected  to  complete  in  depth  studies  of  plays  and  characters
     through oral and written work. Units of Study include: 20  Century
     Theatre, Greek and Roman Theatre, Terminology, Medieval Theatre,
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