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ADVANCED COMPOSITION for students who have exceptional talent in English. Students review
Course ID: ENG3121 usage, punctuation, and sentence structure to further improve
Prerequisite: English 10 or Advanced English 10 correctness in speaking and writing. Vocabulary study is intensive.
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 1) Literature selections are challenging. (Advanced English 10 builds on
Grades: 11-12 the foundation established in Advanced English 9.) The importance of
Description: Formerly called Effective Writing, Advanced using correct language to enhance good communication is
Composition is designed to improve a student’s writing skills. emphasized. In addition to a review of grammar and usage, students
Students should expect to write various types of essays and do will study writing, vocabulary, and literature. Writing Skills: Major
rigorous revising and rewriting. This course is designed to develop the papers include a reflective essay, comparison/contrast essay, research
writing skills of all students. Types of Writing include: the Reflective paper, & literary analysis. Language: Review of usage, punctuation,
Essay, the Descriptive Essay, the Definition Essay, the Personal and sentence structure. Literature: Short stories & novels.
Philosophy Essay, the Commentary Essay, and blogs. Language Skills Shakespearean drama, poetry.
Taught include: correct punctuation, precise & concise word use,
fluency, parallel structure, development of voice, effective use of ADVANCED PLACEMENT ENGLISH LANGUAGE &
sensory details and figurative language. Points of Emphasis include: COMPOSITION
the writing process, revision strategies, organizational strategies, Course ID: ENG3051-3052
blogging, and writing conferences. Prerequisite: English 10 or Adv. English 10 Grade of A or B
Credit: 1.0 (Semester 1 and 2)
ADVANCED CREATIVE WRITING Grades: 11 (12 with Instructor Consent)
Course ID: ENG3112 Description: AP Language and Composition is offered to juniors
Prerequisite: Creative Writing (consent of instructor for seniors) that received a Grade of A or B in
Credit: 1/2 (Semester 2) Advanced English 10 or English 10. Students enrolled in the class
Grades: 11-12 agree to complete a mandatory summer reading requirement as
Description: Advanced Creative Writing will offer a forum for students well as the purchase of textbooks. This college-level class asks
to explore writing skills introduced in Creative Writing. Students will students to analyze text for how the author used language to
create a portfolio of writing that explores science fiction, historical achieve purpose of effect. Students must demonstrate their abilities
fiction, literary fiction, and humor/satire. Focus will be on the writing to read non-fiction texts analytically through annotations of texts
process, revision skills, and literary techniques to improve writing. and written responses to prompts, as well as through small and
Much of the class is based on workshop-style instruction. Units of large-group discussions. Students will read a minimum of two non-
Study include: Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, fiction books, as well as numerous essays and speeches. Writing
Suspense or Fantasy Fiction, and Humor/Satire. assignments will include a descriptive, definition, and
compare/contrast paper. Since this is a college-level class, students
ADVANCED ENGLISH 9 should possess a strong work ethic. Units of Study include:
Course ID: ENG1021-1022 Rhetorical Theory; Rhetorical Principle; Non-Fiction Analysis;
Prerequisite: Advanced English 8 or Pathways Referral Descriptive Essay; Extended Definition essay; Comparison/Contrast
Credit: 1.0 (Semester 1 and 2) Essay; Satire & Parody; Debate; Persuasive Essay; & College Essay.
Grades: 9 Continuous Vocabulary & AP Exam Practice.
Description: Advanced English 9 is designed to provide students who
have a passion for literature and language with a solid foundation of ADVANCED PLACEMENT LITERATURE &
analytical and communication skills. Integral parts of the course
include composition, vocabulary, literature and use of the LMTC for COMPOSITION
research. Units of Study include: Writing Skills: Research Paper; Course ID: ENG4022
Literary Analysis; Compare/Contrast Paper; Short Story. Language: Prerequisite: American Literature and Brit Lit OR AP Language &
Language skills will be reviewed throughout the year. Emphasis will be Composition and Brit Lit (Minimum grade of B
on understanding and using the parts of speech, sentence parts, recommended)
punctuation and vocabulary. Teacher’s Choice: Students will read at Credit: 1/2 (Semester 2)
least two additional novels. Grades: 12
Description: Advanced Placement Literature and Composition is
ADVANCED ENGLISH 10 designed for those students who have an aptitude for and a special
interest in reading, discussing, and writing about challenging
Course ID: ENG2021-2022 literature. Students choosing this class should enjoy studying British
Prerequisite: Advanced English 9 or Pathways Referral and American literature of various periods and genres. The class
Credit: 1.0 (Semester 1 and 2) curriculum emphasizes works of recognized literary merit, worthy of
Grades: 10 study because of their richness of thought and language. At the
Description: Successful completion of Advanced English 9. Students conclusion of the course, students may choose to take an advanced
not in Advanced English 9 must be referred to Pathways Coordinator placement exam to earn college credit. Units of Study include:
for evaluation by self, parent or teacher by January 30, and display Writing-Daily reading response papers and frequent literary analysis
need for Advanced English through evaluation process. This class is papers; Literature-Short stories, novels, dramas, poetry; and
geared for students who have a passion for literature and writing and Vocabulary-Ongoing.
for those who have demonstrated superior skills in their
Communication Arts classes. (Advanced English 10 builds on the
foundation established in Advanced English 9.) The course is intended