Page 16 - Harlem Pesach Companion 2021
P. 16

G-d in the Darkest Places

                                                  By Gloria Milagros Plaks

                                                                   (Shemot 10:1) ה ֹ֑ע ְרַפ־ל ֶא א ֹּ֖ב ה ֶׁ֔שֹמ־ל ֶא "ה רֶמאֹּ֤יַו

                                               I promise I read the whole parsha but that is the sentence to
                                               which I kept returning and repeating. After every plague, I
                                               hear Hashem (G-d) say “COME to Pharoah.”

                                               Shouldn’t it say “go” to Pharaoh?  Where is Hashem at this
                                               point?  Of course, Hashem is everywhere but where is
                                               Hashem placed at the moment that Hashem calls to Moses?
                                               Where does Hashem place him/herself?  I believe that
                   Hashem is with Pharoah.  It is easy for us to conceive of Hashem as being “with” the
                   prophets, leaders, and people of Israel, but harder to imagine that Hashem also dwells in
                   the very darkest of places too, such as in the heart of the tyrant Pharoah.

                   What are we to learn from this?  What message do I hope that my friends, my family, my
                   children and others take from this?

                   I hope you see that Hashem will be waiting where your biggest struggles lie.  In our lives
                   we cannot avoid these conflicts, however we can take comfort in knowing that, though
                   we feel alone at the moment, we will not be alone when we decide to face it.  We can
                   look at the plagues presented in Parshat Bo (locusts, darkness and death of the first born)
                   for some ideas of what our biggest struggles in life may be.

                   The locusts swarming down is like this pandemic that has overrun us, shutting down
                   business, and putting us in a horrible recession with unemployment that equals that of the
                   Great Depression and Great Recession, 28 million cases, 500 thousand deaths,
                   unbelievable sadness, and so much more. But may you walk in strength through this all
                   and know that Hashem will bring you safely to the other side.

                   Darkness can signify when you are in a place where you cannot find your own way, you
                   don’t know your purpose, you are at a loss or perhaps you are surrounded by people who
                   have lost their way.  May you walk toward that struggle and know that Hashem provides
                   the light.  May you be able to enjoy a purposeful wandering instead of fearing not having
                   the clear path. And if you are surrounded by others who are lost, may you find your
                   strength to guide their way.
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