Page 20 - Harlem Pesach Companion 2021
P. 20

presumably all future generations—must tell the story as though they were the ones who
                   left Egypt.

                   But, wait! Does this really make sense? The first generation experienced the actual
                   redemptive events. So it makes sense that they would tell the story whether in the Land or
                   not. Meanwhile, the second generation could see themselves as those who went out from
                   Egypt because the Exodus was the relevant backstory for their entering into the Land.
                   Their descendants in the land could do the same. Living in the land was the culmination
                   of the Exodus from Egypt and proof that it was truly a redemptive event.

                   But, what about us who do not live in the Land? For whom the Exodus is not the reason
                   for where we live? Is it still incumbent upon us to tell the story? Does Rabbi Epstein’s
                   answer make the story relevant to our lives in exile?

                   I’m not so sure.

                   One way to resolve the question is to realize that in our current condition we resemble
                   neither the second generation on the cusp of entering the Land nor the first generation
                   after the Exodus.

                   Instead, we most resemble the first generation in Egypt before the Exodus.

                   Our Sages tell us that there are fifty levels of purity and fifty levels of impurity. The
                   generation in Egypt was on the 49  level of impurity. They were far-gone. One more
                   level and maybe even God wouldn’t have been able to salvage them. They were almost
                   totally assimilated to Egyptian culture. Their families had been fractured by the decrees
                   of the Pharaoh. Everyone was traumatized; they had lost sight of who they were and how
                   to be in loving relationship. Even Moses bore these traits in neglecting to circumcise his
                   son and in his strained relations with his wife.

                   For them, redemption was not a story or a treasured aspect of the Jewish calendar.
                   Neither was the Exodus the relevant pre-history for how they came to live in the Land of

                   Most simply, redemption hadn’t happened to them yet.

                   That, to my mind, is the best way to connect with the redemption of Pesach this year.
                   Many of us are isolated or assimilated. Many of us have lost loved ones. Many of us are
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