Page 25 - Harlem Pesach Companion 2021
P. 25

Sinai. Egypt can be a symbolic place representing any type of calamity that befalls the
                   Jewish people and from which we need help to free ourselves. This year, although we are
                   physically enslaved inside of our own homes, we have the opportunity to focus on our
                   spiritual freedom. Connecting to spirituality can be achieved through many avenues.
                   Some people connect to the spiritual existence of Hashem (G-d), while others might find
                   spiritual connectedness through yoga, painting, dance, music, or meditation. Regardless
                   of how you might feel spiritual, one of the ways to feel like a free person this Passover is
                   to focus on the connection to the spiritual side of yourself and the world around you. We
                   may not be physically free this Passover, but you can try and find ways to feel spiritually
                   free through those experiences that allow you to take a metaphorical step away from the
                   burdens of the physical world and cause your mind to feel free and unburdened.

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