Page 417 - Handbook of Modern Telecommunications
P. 417

3-208                   CRC Handbook of Modern Telecommunications, Second Edition

              These lists of principal functions should have a high level of matches with lawful intercept functions
            as defined and recommended by the standards bodies of various continents.

            3.8.5  Reference Models for Lawful Intercepts

    CALEA Reference Model with the J-STD-025 Standard
            CALEA definitions are related to the Telecommunications Act. The most important ones are extracted
            as follows:
              Telecommunications: the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information
            of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received.
              Telecommunications service: the offering of the telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or
            to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used.
              Information services: the offering of a capability for generating, storing, transforming, retrieving,
            utilizing, or making available information via telecommunications, and includes electronic publishing,
            but does not include any use of any such capability for the management, control, or operation of a tele-
            communications system or the management of a telecommunications service.
              Telecommunication  carrier  (The  term  telecommunications  service  provider  is  preferred  by  the
            authors in this handbook.): entity engaged in the transmission or switching of wire or electronic com-
            munications as a common carrier for hire.
              •   includes commercial mobile radio service
              •   includes an entity engaged in the transmission or switching of wire or electronic communications
                 to the extent that the FCC finds that such service is a replacement for a substantial portion of the
                 local telephone exchange service and that is in the public interest to deem (it) to be a telecommu-
                 nications carrier for (these) purposes
              •   does not include entities insofar as they are engaged in providing information services
              Call-identifying information: Dialing or signaling information that identifies the origin, direction,
            destination or termination of each communication generated by means of any equipment, facility, ser-
            vice or a telecommunications carrier.

    CALEA Interfaces
            The principal interfaces with the CALEA reference model are:
              •   Surveillance  Administration  System  (SAS):  Performs  subject  provisioning  and  receive  alarms
                 related to CALEA interfaces
              •   Call Data Channel (CDC): A network connection reporting call-identifying information—CDC
                 messages—from the switch to the LEA
              •   Call Content Channel (CCC): A network connection delivering call content from the switch to
                 the LEA

              The reference model is shown in Figure 3.8.4. It offers a generic view of the lawful intercept architec-
            ture (access, delivery, and collection functions).

    CALEA Principal Functions
            There are basically three principal functions:
              •   Access Functions (AF)
                 •   Network elements (CO switches, MSC, HLR, AAA, PDSN, SGSN, GGSN, routers, trunk-
                    ing gateways, soft switches, CMTS) that provide access to and replication of intercepted
                 •   Sniffers and splitters that can passively monitor network traffic
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