Page 142 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 142
Topic sentence 3 (most important idea)
Reverse Emphatic Order
Topic sentence 1 (most important idea)
Topic sentence 2 (second most important idea)
Topic sentence 3 (least important idea)
Sandwich Order
The points you develop within an essay are not always equally strong.
When one of your points is weaker than the others, try sandwich
order, placing your weaker point between the two stronger ones. This
method employs the same psychology that is at work when you use
emphatic order. If ideas are presented in a sequence, people
remember the first and last ideas more strongly than those presented
in the middle. Thus, the first and last body paragraphs become the
“showcase positions” in the essay, the positions where you place the
material that you want your readers to remember.
Example of Sandwich Order
Thesis: Children benefit from attending day-care centers.