Page 171 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 171
Topic 4: Discuss your methods of coping with stress.
Tips for Introducing Your Essay
Carefully consider which type of introduction would be most
effective for your topic. Ask yourself if there is a quotation or an
anecdote that might be particularly effective with your topic. See if
there is a contrasting idea that you could use or a way to lead into
your thesis with a broad-to-narrow introduction. Once you have
thought through each method of introduction, ask yourself which
one would work best with your topic and be most appealing to a
Place your thesis at the end of your introduction. Then make sure
that the sentence that leads into the thesis does its job smoothly,
providing a logical transition from your lead-in to your main idea.
Learning Objectives Review
LO1 Identify the The purposes of an introduction are to draw
purposes of the reader in, advance the general topic of the
an essay, provide necessary background, and
introduction. present the thesis.
What are the
purposes of an
introduction? (See
pp. 60–61.)