Page 196 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 196
The transitional topic sentence takes a backward glance at the topic
of the preceding paragraph before moving on to the topic of the
paragraph it leads into. Since the first body paragraph presents the
first point of discussion, transitional topic sentences can be used only
in the second and third body paragraphs of a five-paragraph essay.
They are an effective way of moving between paragraphs, but like any
other technique, they should not be overdone. One per essay is
probably enough. Some examples of transitional topic sentences
Example 1: Transitional Topic Sentence
Not only do illegal drugs pose a health risk, they can also land
the user in jail.
Discussion: The writer has discussed the health risks posed by illegal
drugs in the preceding paragraph and is now going to discuss the
possibility that the user may spend time in jail.
Example 2: Transitional Topic Sentence
Although rock music suits my happy, energetic moods, I turn to
the sound of blues when I am depressed.
Discussion: This transition outlines a movement from a paragraph
about rock music to a paragraph about blues.
Exercise 5-6 Writing Transitional Topic