Page 343 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 343
ways this textbook
presents them? (See
pp. 120–123.)
LO2 Write Sense impressions relate to sight, hearing,
effective smell, touch, and taste, allowing readers to
descriptive experience the description through the senses.
essays. Spatial order should make sense to the
reader. Describing something from near to far,
What are sense right to left, or top to bottom keeps the overall
impressions and why picture in focus. A dominant impression
are they important? captures the subject in a word or phrase.
How should spatial
order be used in
descriptive writing?
What is a dominant
impression? (See
pp. 124–136.)
LO3 Write To make a narrative effective, emphasize
effective important details; use chronological order;
narrative center on conflict; and show, don’t tell.
What are some
techniques for
narration? (See pp.
LO4 Write Description and narration add detail and
effective interest to examples.