Page 482 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 482

conversation urgent or casual? Is she aware that she is
                    breaking a rule?


                    Make a list of reasons that some places ban the use of cell

                    phones. Then make another list of reasons, this time a list of
                    arguments a cell phone user might use to support her right to

                    use a cell phone. Plan a paragraph arguing for or against cell

                    phone use in a specific place where it is prohibited.


                    Now you are ready to write. Draft a paragraph arguing for or

                    against a person’s right to use a cell phone in most public


               Taking Sides

               It has been said that there are two sides to every argument. Your

               essay, however, should favor just one side. In an argument essay, it is
               important to make your position clear and not waffle. Starting on the

               “pro” side of an argument and switching to the “con” side will not work.

               If you feel it is necessary to acknowledge the other side of the

               argument, try doing so in the introduction.
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