Page 485 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 485
Individually, write down three facts and three opinions. Mix them up
and do not label them. In groups of three, trade papers and mark each
statement as F (fact) or O (opinion). If there are any differences of
opinion, write the disputed statement on a sheet of paper and hand it
to the instructor for discussion by the entire class.
Exercise 10-3 Fact or Opinion?
In the blank to the left of each statement, mark each statement as fact
(F) or opinion (O).
1. The walls in the classroom are ugly.
2. The walls in the classroom are green.
3. The walls in the classroom are an ugly green.
4. The president of the United States is doing a good
5. Killing another human being is never justifiable.
6. According to historians, Abraham Lincoln’s
Gettysburg Address was not really written on the back of an
7. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech
was delivered in Washington, D.C.
8. King’s “I Have a Dream” and Lincoln’s Gettysburg
Address are two of the greatest speeches ever delivered in the
United States.
9. It is fair to charge overweight passengers for two
airline tickets if they take up two seats.