Page 488 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 488
Opinion 3, from a Faculty Member
Obviously, the current system is not working. Students complain
about faculty having special parking privileges, but they don’t
realize that we may have day and evening classes, meetings in the
afternoon, and all manner of class materials to bring from our
vehicles. It is only fair that we get the spaces closest to the
classroom buildings. However, since the current system is not
enforced, faculty members need a gated parking lot that can be
entered only with a key card.
The three previous examples make it clear that the facts can lead
different people to different conclusions. The only thing that all parties
agree on in the previous examples is that change is needed. Because
the same facts can be used to support more than one conclusion or
more than one opinion, a good opinion paper usually contains both
fact and opinion, skillfully woven together.
Look at the following paragraph. Fact and opinion are woven together
in it to make a convincing argument.
opinion opinion
Professor Smith is not a good teacher. His lectures are
impossible to understand because he stands with his
head in his notes and mumbles at the lectern instead of