Page 492 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 492

College athletic programs offer obvious benefits. Games
                        bring money and recognition to the school. Athletic

                        teams promote school pride and unity, and going to

                        games can be fun. In spite of these benefits, the

                        attention given to athletics shortchanges the majority of

                        the students and forces scholarship to take a back seat.

                        It is time for colleges to take the spotlight away from
                        athletics and give academics the edge.

                        Special treatment for athletes sends the wrong message

                        to other students. At some colleges, athletes are given

                        their own dorms and a separate dining hall that provides

                        special meals to help them reach the peak of physical
                        condition. Coaches and staff watch over them carefully.

                        If their grades lag, they are given tutoring and

                        encouragement. These special privileges send the

                        wrong message. College should be about academics,

                        not athletics. If there are special dorms, they should be
                        for students who are on academic scholarships. If there

                        are special dining halls, they should serve “brain food” to

                        students on the dean’s list. And colleges should have a

                        way of watching over every student. If an ordinary “C”

                        student begins to lag behind, help and encouragement
                        should be as immediate for her as it would be for a star

                        athlete. The special privileges athletes enjoy should be

                        spread among all students.
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