Page 491 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 491
penalty, the best you can realistically hope for is to open a window to
your viewpoint. In this case, success means coaxing your reader to
look through that window long enough to say, “I see what you mean,
and I understand your point of view.”
Arguing a point often involves contrast and cause-effect.
Making an argument sometimes involves contrasting one side
with another. An argument favoring a particular course of action
(for example, making handgun ownership illegal) often involves
examining the positive effects of that action.
Wordsmith’s Corner: Examples of
Writing Using Argument
Following are two student essays that argue a point. Read each essay
and answer the questions that follow.
Argument Essay 1
Is it time to bench college athletes and let the scholars take the field?
In this essay, one student speaks out.
Giving Academics the Edge