Page 496 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 496

The keys to controlling unsafe drivers are education and
                        enforcement. Education for truckers should go beyond

                        load limits and gear ratios. It should stress professional

                        conduct. Most automobile drivers know the terror of

                        having twenty tons of steel and cargo inches from their

                        bumper, and quite a few have seen sleep-deprived

                        truckers driving erratically. Education is one way to
                        eliminate such dangerous behavior. For those who will

                        not be educated, enforcement is the answer. Heavier

                        penalties for speeding and reckless driving should be

                        enacted and enforced. Truck drivers who drive under the

                        influence of drugs or alcohol should face a mandatory

                        minimum license suspension of one year and mandatory
                        counseling. Those who repeat the offense should never

                        be allowed behind the wheel of an eighteen-wheeler

                        again. Education and enforcement will put dangerous

                        truckers out of business and help the image of those

                        who are already safe and courteous drivers.

                        Measures also need to be taken against two types of

                        truck pollution: air pollution and ear pollution. Automobile

                        emissions are strictly regulated, but “truck yuck”

                        continues to pollute the air over interstates and cities.
                        Like automakers, truck manufacturers should be

                        required to develop and install better pollution control

                        devices. Trucks that do not belch clouds of black, foul-

                        smelling diesel smoke will be much more welcome on

                        the road. Noise pollution is another problem that should
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