Page 501 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 501

Visit Ch. 10, Examining Logical

                             Connections: Comparison-Contrast, Cause-
                             Effect, and Argument, in MyWritingLab to

                             complete the Essay Assignments.

               Essay Assignments

               Argument Essay 1: Dangerous Drugs

               In an essay, support your position on one of the following issues.

                    1.  Should physicians be allowed to prescribe lethal doses or

                        combinations of drugs to assist terminally ill patients in suicide?

                    2.  Should the growing of marijuana for medical or personal use be


               Argument Essay 2: School Days, Rule Days

               Does your school have a policy or rule that makes you angry? If so,

               write an essay giving your reasons why the policy is unwise. Some

               students object to policies limiting the number of absences, while

               others fret at library policies that say a book may be checked out for

               only two weeks. Still others object to exams that all students must
               pass before graduating: Sometimes these are tests of reading and

               writing ability, and at other times they are senior comprehensive

               exams in a student’s major field. Brainstorming with other students will

               help get your thoughts focused on your school’s policies.
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