Page 493 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 493

Expensive athletic facilities and equipment should not be
                        used only by the teams. At the college level, sports

                        should stress fitness and the joy of competition and

                        should include everyone. It’s time to open the basketball

                        courts, unlock the weight rooms and saunas, and bring

                        out the track and field equipment for everyone to enjoy.

                        If students are to focus on academics, they need a
                        healthy outlet for their energy. Encouraging every

                        student—even the clumsy or the overweight, even the

                        couch potatoes and the party people—to use these

                        facilities for exercise would contribute to healthier bodies

                        and minds for the whole student body.

                        Perhaps the worst consequence of shining the spotlight

                        on athletics is that it takes the focus away from

                        scholarship. Many talented students write computer

                        programs, conduct experiments in physics or

                        psychology, or write poems, stories, and plays. The
                        attention, however, is not on these students, but on the

                        few who manage to move a pigskin-covered ball a few

                        yards down a green field or who use their height and

                        coordination to dunk a ball through a hoop. A focus on

                        academics would give bright, successful students the
                        attention they deserve. Then other students, seeing the

                        recognition that scholarship brought, would be inspired

                        to make the most of their own intellectual talents.
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