Page 94 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 94

Outlining is often the last step in the prewriting process. Once you
               have used one or more of the other prewriting methods, organizing

               your thoughts into outline form takes you one step further in the writing

               process. Forget about the formal outline with its array of Roman

               numerals, ABCs, and 1-2-3s. A short essay calls for a short outline.

               Your outline may be just a few words jotted on a page, or it may

               include a thesis statement, topic sentences, and a brief listing of
               support for each topic sentence. Following are two sample outlines on

               the same topic.

               Outline 1

                Benefits of Karate

                    1.  Confidence

                         physical confidence

                               walk taller and straighter

                               not as klutzy

                               feel more comfortable with my body

                         mental confidence

                               believe more in my ability to do things

                    2.  Self-discipline

                         plan study time and make better grades

                         do my homework on weekdays to leave most of the weekend free
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