Page 97 - Wordsmith A Guide to College Writing
P. 97

Exercise 2-7 Journal Writing

               Write a journal entry on one or more of the following topics.

                    1.  What are some reasons for keeping a journal or diary?

                    2.  What are the characteristics of a good student?

                    3.  Discuss a person who has been a mentor or a role model to


                    4.  A poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar begins, “We wear the mask /

                        That grins and lies . . .” Discuss some of the masks that you

                    5.  Should every able citizen of the United States be required to do

                        some sort of paid public service (not necessarily military

                        service) for a set period?

                    6.  Why are some people unsuccessful in school or at work?
                    7.  Is it necessary for you to own an automobile?

                    8.  Do Americans spend too much time watching television?

                    9.  Is year-round school a good idea?

                   10.  If you could know any one thing about your future, what would

                        you want to know?
                   11.  Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid that it seemed

                        real? Describe it.

                   12.  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you

                        choose to live?

                   13.  If you could visit any historical period, which one would you
                        choose to visit?

                   14.  Although responsibilities are sometimes burdens, they also tell

                        us who we are. Which of your responsibilities is most important
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