Page 12 - Using MIS
P. 12
xvi Contents
Q2 What Network Technology Supports the Cloud? 211
• Ethics Guide: Cloudy Profit? 212
What Are the Components of a LAN? 214
Connecting Your LAN to the Internet 216
Q3 How Does the Cloud Work? 217
An Internet Example 217
Carriers and Net Neutrality 217
Internet Addressing 218
Processing on a Web Server 219
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) 222
Protocols Supporting Web Services 224
Q4 How Do Organizations Use the Cloud? 227
Cloud Services from Cloud Vendors 227
Content Delivery Networks 228
Using Web Services Internally 228
Q5 How Can AllRoad Parts Use the Cloud? 230
SaaS Services at AllRoad 230
PaaS Services at AllRoad 230
IaaS Services at AllRoad 231
Q6 How Can Organizations Use Cloud Services Securely? 231
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 231
Using a Private Cloud 232
Using a Virtual Private Cloud 233
Q7 2025? 234
• Security Guide: Storm Clouds 238
• Guide: Is It Spying or Just Good Management? 240
Case Study 6: FinQloud Forever . . . Well, at Least for the Required
Interval . . . 245
Part 3: Using IS for Competitive
7: ProCeSSeS, orGanIzaTIonS, and
InforMaTIon SySTeMS 249
Q1 What Are the Basic Types of Processes? 251
How Do Structured Processes Differ from Dynamic Processes? 252
How Do Processes Vary by Organizational Scope? 253
Q2 How Can Information Systems Improve Process Quality? 255
How Can Processes Be Improved? 256
How Can Information Systems Improve Process Quality? 257