Page 9 - Using MIS
P. 9

Contents     xiii

                                              Choosing the Set for Your Team 65
                                              Don’t Forget Procedures and People! 66
                                       Q9  2025? 67

                                              •  Security Guide: Securing Collaboration 68
                                              • Guide: Egocentric Versus Empathetic Thinking 70

                                              Case Study 2: Eating Our Own Dog Food 75

            3: STraTeGy and InforMaTIon
                  SySTeMS 81

                                       Q1  How Does Organizational Strategy Determine Information
                                              Systems Structure? 83

                                       Q2  What Five Forces Determine Industry Structure? 84

                                       Q3  How Does Analysis of Industry Structure Determine
                                              Competitive Strategy? 85
                                              • Ethics: Yikes! Bikes 86
                                       Q4  How Does Competitive Strategy Determine Value Chain
                                              Structure? 88

                                              Primary Activities in the Value Chain 88
                                              Support Activities in the Value Chain 89
                                              Value Chain Linkages 90
                                       Q5  How Do Business Processes Generate Value? 90

                                       Q6  How Does Competitive Strategy Determine
                                              Business Processes and the Structure of Information
                                              Systems? 92

                                       Q7  How Do Information Systems Provide Competitive
                                              Advantages? 94
                                              Competitive Advantage via Products 95
                                              Competitive Advantage via Business Processes 95
                                              How Does an Actual Company Use IS to Create Competitive
                                                Advantages? 96
                                              How Does This System Create a Competitive Advantage? 97
                                       Q8  2025? 99

                                              •  Security Guide: Differentiating on Security 100
                                              • Guide: Your Personal Competitive Advantage 102

                                              Case Study 3: The Amazon of Innovation 106
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