Page 14 - Using MIS
P. 14
xviii Contents
Social Media and Inbound and Outbound Logistics 301
Social Media and Manufacturing and Operations 301
Social Media and Human Resources 301
Q3 How Do SMIS Increase Social Capital? 302
What Is the Value of Social Capital? 302
How Do Social Networks Add Value to Businesses? 303
Using Social Networking to Increase the Number of Relationships 305
Using Social Networks to Increase the Strength of Relationships 306
Using Social Networks to Connect to Those with More Resources 307
Q4 How Do (Some) Companies Earn Revenue from Social
Media? 308
You Are the Product 308
Revenue Models for Social Media 308
• Ethics Guide: Social Marketing ? Or Lying? 310
Does Mobility Reduce Online Ad Revenue? 312
Q5 How Do Organizations Develop an Effective SMIS? 313
Step 1: Define Your Goals 313
Step 2: Identify Success Metrics 314
Step 3: Identify the Target Audience 314
Step 4: Define Your Value 315
Step 5: Make Personal Connections 315
Step 6: Gather and Analyze Data 316
Q6 What Is an Enterprise Social Network (ESN)? 316
Enterprise 2.0 317
Changing Communication 318
Deploying Successful Enterprise Social Networks 318
Q7 How Can Organizations Address SMIS Security Concerns? 319
Managing the Risk of Employee Communication 319
Managing the Risk of Inappropriate Content 321
Q8 2025? 323
• Security Guide: Securing Social Recruiting 326
• Guide: Developing Your Personal Brand 328
Case Study 8: Sedona Social 332
9: bUSIneSS InTellIGenCe SySTeMS 337
Q1 How Do Organizations Use Business Intelligence (BI)
Systems? 340
How Do Organizations Use BI? 341
What Are Typical BI Applications? 342
Q2 What Are the Three Primary Activities in the BI Process? 343
Using Business Intelligence to Find Candidate Parts at AllRoad 344