Page 113 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 113

94                                                                Fiber Optic Communications

                                 E 2                       N 2
                                                                       E 2  − E 1
                                                                   ω =
                                 E 1                       N 1

                          Figure 3.1  Two-level atomic system interacting with electromagnetic radiation.

                          E 2                       N 2    E 2                       N 2

                          E 1                       N 1    E 1                       N 1
                                       (a)                              (b)

                  Figure 3.2  Two-level atomic system absorbing a photon (a) Before absorption and (b) After absorption.

            outer orbit. To make this transition, atoms require energy corresponding to the difference in energy levels and
            this is provided by the incident electromagnetic radiation. The rate of absorption depends on the population
            density in the level E and also on the energy spectral density per unit volume of the radiation. Einstein
            postulated that the number of atoms undergoing absorption per unit time per unit volume from level 1 to
            level 2 is given by
                                                 (    )
                                                  dN 1
                                         R abs  ≡ −       = B u ()N ,                        (3.2)
                                                             12 s
            where u () is the electromagnetic energy spectral density per unit volume, B  is a constant, and R  is the
                   s                                                      12                abs
            rate of absorption. The negative sign in Eq. (3.2) indicates that the population density in level 1 decreases
            due to absorption. For example, consider an atomic system of volume 1 m .If10 15  atoms make an upward
            transition per second after absorbing the incident radiation in a volume of 1 m , the absorption rate is
                    15 −1
            R   = 10 s   m . This also means that 10 15  photons are absorbed per second per cubic meter.
              (b) An atom which is in the excited state of energy E is stimulated to emit radiation at frequency
             =(E − E )∕ℏ if the radiation at that frequency is already present. After emitting the radiation, it goes
            to state of energy E , as shown in Fig. 3.3. This process is called stimulated emission. Einstein postulated
            that the rate of emission is proportional to the energy spectral density of radiation at frequency  and the
            population density at the excited state E ,
                                                 (    )
                                                  dN 2
                                         R   ≡ −          = B u ()N ,                        (3.3)
                                          stim                21 s   2
                          E 2                      N 2    E 2                       N 2
                          E 1                      N 1    E 1                       N 1
                                      (a)                              (b)
            Figure 3.3 Two-level atomic system emitting a photon due to stimulated emission (a) Before stimulated emission and
            (b) After stimulated emission.
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