Page 199 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
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180                                                               Fiber Optic Communications

                                                                  A 2
                                                                   A 1
                                                                      Unipolar NRZ data
                                                       NRZ data
                                       m 1
                                                          m 2              m 3

                      Laser                               PM               MZM
                                                 QPSK            8-PSK            16 QAM

                             Figure 4.54  Schematic of 16-QAM generation using a QPSK modulator.

                                                             4-ASK signal
                                                            m I (t)

                                                  Ap(t)cos(2π f c t)/ 2

                 Acos(2π f t)  Ap(t)cos(2π f t)       I-arm
                                                                                         QAM signal
                                       3-dB coupler                            3-dB coupler
                                                      Q-arm    MZM
              Laser    Pulse carver
                                                  Ap(t)cos(2π f c t)/ 2
                                                                       Optical IQ modulator
                                                            m Q (t)   t
                                                             4-ASK signal

                                Figure 4.55 16-QAM generation using an optical IQ modulator.

            which acts as an amplitude modulator. The bias conditions for a MZM to act as an amplitude modulator are
            discussed in Section When the message signal m = A and A (> A ) volts, we obtain the inner and
                                                          3   1     2    1
            outer circles of the constellation, respectively.
              A QAM signal may be interpreted as a signal obtained by simultaneous amplitude modulation of in-phase
            and quadrature carriers (see Eq. (4.113)). This suggests that a QAM signal can be generated using an optical
            IQ modulator as shown in Fig. 4.55 [15]. To obtain a square 16-QAM signal, 4-ASK electrical signals are
            used to drive the optical IQ modulator, as discussed in Section 4.9.2.

            Example 4.3 A MASK signal transmitted over the fiber channel
            The driving voltage to the MZM is adjusted such that the optical field amplitudes are equally spaced. The
            MZM output in a symbol slot 0 < t < T is
                                               A   =  P (2m + 1),                            (4.117)
                                                out     0
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