Page 260 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 260

Optical Receivers                                                                  241

                                              RA A
                                                T LO
                                       I  =−         Im [M s + M s ].                      (5.154)
                                        Q,x               xx x  xy y
           The complex photocurrent corresponding to x-polarization is
                                          I = I I,x  − iI Q,x                              (5.155)
                                              RA A
                                                T LO
                                            =       [M s + M s ].                          (5.156)
                                                       xx x
                                                              xy y
           Similarly, the y-components of the received field and LO output pass through a second balanced IQ receiver.
           Its outputs are
                                             RA A
                                                T LO
                                        I  =        Re [M s + M s ],                       (5.157)
                                        Q,x              yx x   yy y
                                              RA A
                                                T LO
                                       I  =−         Im [M s + M s ].                      (5.158)
                                        Q,y               yx x  yy y
           The complex photocurrent corresponding to y-polarization is
                                          I = I I,y  − iI Q,y                              (5.159)
                                              RA A
                                                T LO
                                            =       [M s + M s ].                          (5.160)
                                                              yy y
                                                       yx x
           Eqs. (5.156) and (5.159) can be rewritten as
                                                [       ][ ]   [ ]
                                        RA A      xx  M xy  s x  I x
                                           T LO M
                                           2     M yx  M yy  s y  =  I y  .                (5.161)
           In the DSP unit of the coherent receiver, the matrix elements of M are adaptively estimated and its inverse is
           calculated (see Chapter 11). Multiplying Eq. (5.161) by M , we find
                                           [ ]              [ ]
                                            s x  =  2   M −1  I x  .                       (5.162)
                                            s y  RA A        I y
                                                    T LO
           Thus, the transmitted data can be estimated using Eq. (5.162).

           Example 5.9
           Repeat Example 5.8 with a polarization modulated (PM) QPSK signal given by

                                                 [ ]   [      ]
                                                  s x   1∠∕4
                                           s(t)=     =          .
                                                  s y   1∠5∕4
           Assume M to be of the form             [   ]
                                              M =       e −L∕2 ,
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