Page 267 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
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                                                           ψ out  (=   Gψ in ) + n
                                          ψ in

                                          Figure 6.1  Simple amplifier model.

                                          P out  = | | = G| | = GP ,                       (6.2)
            where G is the amplifier power gain. The amplifier adds noise n(t) and the total field envelope at the amplifier
            output is
                                           tot  =  out  + n(t)=  G + n(t).               (6.3)
            The gain is provided by the stimulated emission and the noise in the amplifier is mainly due to the spontaneous
            emission, which is discussed in the next section. We assume that the samples of n(t) are identically distributed
            Gaussian complex random variables.

            6.3 Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Two-Level Systems

            The light wave generated due to stimulated emission has the same polarization, frequency, and phase as that
            of the incident wave, whereas the light wave generated by spontaneous emission has random phase and fre-
            quency, and it propagates in all directions. The spontaneously emitted photons are amplified by the amplifier
            and this is known as amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). ASE is the main source of noise in the amplifiers.
            The mean number of photons at the output of an amplifier of length L is given by (see Appendix A)
                                           n (L)= n (0)G + n (G − 1),                          (6.4)
                                            ph     ph       sp
            where n (0) is the mean number of photons at the amplifier input (z = 0), G is the amplifier gain, and n is
            the spontaneous emission factor or population-inversion factor, given by
                                                         N 2
                                                 n =         ,                                 (6.5)
                                                      N − N
                                                        2   1
            where N and N are the population densities at state 1 and 2, respectively. Eq. (6.4) is of fundamental signifi-
            cance. The first and second terms on the right-hand side represent the photon gain due to stimulated emission
            and spontaneous emission, respectively. When there is full population inversion, N = 0 and n = 1. This
                                                                                1        sp
            corresponds to an ideal amplifier. For a realistic amplifier, N ≠ 0 and n is greater than 1.
                                                            1        sp
              The mean number of photons n (G − 1) corresponds to the mean noise power P  in the frequency range
                                       sp                                     ASE
            of f to f +Δf in a single polarization (see Appendix A):
               0   0
                                            P ASE,sp  = n hf (G − 1)Δf.                        (6.6)
            Here, the subscript sp refers to single polarization. The noise power given by Eq. (6.6) is the noise power per
            mode. In a single-mode fiber, there are actually two modes corresponding to two polarizations. Therefore, the
            noise power in two polarizations is
                                            P ASE,dp  = 2n (G − 1)hf Δf.                       (6.7)
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