Page 368 - Fiber Optic Communications Fund
P. 368

Performance Analysis                                                               349

           8.3.2  On–Off Keying
           In this case, the optical field envelope may be written as

                                            s(t)= s (t)  for bit ‘1’                       (8.108)
                                               = 0      for bit ‘0’                        (8.109)

                                            E = 0 and    E 10  = 0.                        (8.110)
           The average energy is
                                                 E = E ∕2.                                 (8.111)
           Using Eqs. (8.111) and (8.110), Eqs. (8.38) and (8.39) can be written as
                                                      homo    homo
                                            = 4E ∕N     = 4                            (8.112)
                                           max    av  0
                                              (√      )
                                         1         homo
                                     P = erfc                                              (8.113)
                                         2          2
                                         exp (− homo ∕2)     homo
                                       ≅                when     ≫ 1.                    (8.114)
                                             2 homo
           Fig. 8.11 shows the error probability as a function of the parameter  homo . Comparing Eqs. (8.113) and (8.96),
           we see that to achieve a fixed BER, the average energy should be doubled for the systems based on OOK
           compared with the systems based on PSK when the noise power of the channel is fixed. Alternatively, when
           the average energy of the transmitted signal is fixed, the system based on PSK can tolerate twice the noise
           power compared with the systems based on OOK to achieve the same BER.

                           10 0


                          10 *5
                        P b                                   PSK

                         10 *10

                         10 *15
                            *10        *5          0          5         10         15
                                                     γ  homo  (dB)

                                 Figure 8.11 Plot of error probability vs. 10log    homo .
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