Page 206 - Introduction to Business
P. 206

180     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

                                     Different Forms of Organizational Structure. We will briefly examine
                                     four types of organizational structure: functional, divisional, matrix, and network.

        functional organizational structure  FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE. Functional organizational structure
        The structure of an organization around  involves structuring an organization around basic business functions such as pro-
        certain functions such as marketing,
                                     duction and operations, marketing, and finance.  This organizational structure
        finance, and so on
                                     approach is frequently used by small- to medium-sized businesses and other
                                     organizations and is relatively straightforward. A diagram of a functional organiza-
                                     tional structure is shown in Exhibit 5.6.

        divisional organizational structure  DIVISIONAL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE.  A corporation with a divisional orga-
        The structure of an organization with  nizational structure has various company divisions operating autonomously as
        various divisions operating
                                     businesses under a broad corporate framework. Companies with various dis-
        autonomously under a broad
        organizational framework     tinct products, for example, might establish a divisional organizational struc-
                                     ture whereby the manufacture and sale of each product is more or less con-
                                     ducted by a separate company under a broad corporate umbrella. The
                                     Coca-Cola Corporation, for example, might be organized in this manner. In
                                     addition to making carbonated soft drinks (Coca-Cola, Fanta, etc.), the com-
                                     pany also makes juices and juice drinks (Minute Maid, Hi-C, etc.), sports drinks
                                     (Powerade, Aquarius, etc.), and filtered water (Dasani, Ciel, etc.). A divisional
                                     structure for Coca-Cola Corporation might be similar to the one shown in
                                     Exhibit 5.6.

        matrix organizational structure  MATRIX ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE.  A matrix organizational structure involves
        The structure of an organization   employees reporting to multiple managers in team project situations. Pfizer, for
        around team project situations
                                     example, might establish a project team to further develop its product Viagra. The
        where employees report to more
        than one manager             team might have a research scientist, a sales representative or detailer, an engi-
                                     neer, and an accountant. The project team is then assigned a project manager. In
                                     this situation the scientist, sales representative, engineer, and so on, on the proj-
                                     ect team essentially have two bosses, two reporting relationships. They have as
                                     managers both the project manager for the Viagra team and their regular manager,
                                     who may be the company chief scientist, the head of company sales, or some other
                                        Exhibit 5.6 assumes that Pfizer establishes three different teams to work on
                                     further developing three of its most important pharmaceutical drugs,  Viagra,
                                     Zoloft (for the treatment of depression), and Celebrex (for the treatment of arthri-
                                     tis). Each project team has a project manager and is made up of a scientist, a sales
                                     representative, an engineer, and an accountant. These individuals all report to
                                     their given team project managers and to the regular heads of their functional
                                     areas. For example, scientist A reports both to his or her regular boss, the com-
                                     pany’s vice president, research/chief scientist, and to the head of Project A, the
                                     company’s Viagra project. The resulting diagram of relationships, as Exhibit 5.6
                                     shows, is a matrix.

                                     NETWORK ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE. Finally, increasing numbers of companies
        network organizational structures  today are adopting what are known as  network organizational structures. The
        Organizational structures where the  main function performed by such organizational structures is administration, with
        organization contracts out most
                                     manufacturing, distribution, and sales all contracted out to other firms. Thus, the
        functions except administration
                                     main purpose of this structure is to administrate and coordinate agreements and
                                     contracts with other organizations that do all the producing, distributing, and
                                     selling. Some athletic shoe companies have a network organizational structure.
                                     The company designs the shoe, but then contracts with manufacturers to make the

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