Page 244 - Introduction to Business
P. 244
218 PART 2 Managing Business Behavior
Ethics in Business
Workplace Ethics: The Issue of Coworker Dating
The issue of coworker dating is a very in New York State all employee off-duty legal
important one in today’s workplace. recreational activity is protected by law, and the
During World War II women entered the workforce question has thus arisen whether coworker dating
in a major way and have remained there ever since. represents “recreational activity”!
Indeed, today around half of all U.S. workers are Some employers have responded to this complex
female. The influx of females into the workplace, issue by allowing all coworker dating but mandating
coupled with later marriages, increased divorces, that employees immediately disclose their relationship
and long work hours, has led to a natural increase in to the employer and sign dating waivers. Dating
people viewing work as a place to meet people to waivers are legal forms where the dating employees
date. Indeed, it has been estimated that in the attest that their dating is truly consensual and waive
United States today about one-third of all dating their rights to bring any future sexual harassment or
relationships start at work. other claims because of the relationship. Other
But coworker dating creates a significant number employers permit coworker dating, but strictly pro-
of HRM and even ethical problems for employers. hibit any dating between supervisors and subordi-
For one, can there ever be truly consensual dating nates. Finally, some employers simply outlaw, to the
when one of the dating parties is the other party’s extent legally possible in the given states where they
supervisor? Moreover, isn’t it possible for even a operate, all coworker dating. What do you think is the
truly consensual relationship, not marked by any best approach to this difficult issue?
power differentials between the parties, to break
Sources: Stephanie Armour, “Romance at Work Tricky to Manage:
down and lead to strained relationships at work or Even Consensual Relationships Can Hurt Morale,” USA Today,
even a sexual harassment claim? What about office January 23, 1998, p. B2; Michelle Conklin, “Love on the Job: Liaisons
Can Be Tricky, But Good for a Company,” Rocky Mountain News,
gossip and claims of possible company favoritism
February 22, 1998, p. 2G; Lisa Black, “Power Imbalance Is the Key to
toward employees engaged in certain coworker Most Policies on Sex,” Chicago Tribune, January 29, 1998, p. 1; State
dating relationships? What about the employer’s v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 621 N.Y. 2d 158 (N.Y. Ct. App. 1995); Andrea
Minarcek, “Taboo on Office Romance Fading,” June 29, 2004, Cox
professional image? Can a high enough level of
News Service,
coworker dating lead external constituencies to view
the given organization as being unprofessional?
All of these concerns, though, are juxtaposed Questions
against the fact that forces of nature being as they 1. Why is it difficult for a dating relationship with a
are, coworker dating is probably always going to supervisor to ever be truly consensual?
exist. If an employer completely prohibits all 2. What types of favoritism might be afforded
coworker dating, it’s likely to still continue, but now employees engaged in workplace dating relation-
to be underground and perhaps create even more ships? What ethical issues does such favoritism
problems later. Moreover, employees do have privacy present?
rights, some protected by state statute. For example, 3. Do you think dating waiver forms make sense?
A handful of states have gone even further and protect employees from adverse
employment action because of any lawful off-duty activities.
reality Which federal employment law enacted during the past half century
CH ECK has had the most impact on your working life?
Workplace Diversity
Bob Dylan’s famous lyric “The times they are a-changin’” applies more than any-
where in the area of workplace diversity. Today women constitute around half of the
U.S. workforce, and the various antidiscrimination laws have played a significant
role in increasing workplace participation by a wide range of minority groups.
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