Page 247 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 6 Human Resources Management 221
reality How diverse is the organization where you have most recently worked?
Careers in Human Resources Management
The field of human resources management offers a wide range of career opportuni-
ties. Indeed, virtually all for-profit and not-for-profit organizations in the country
offer professional opportunities in this field. A wide variety of governmental agencies,
such as the EEOC, NLRB, and U.S. Department of Labor, also offer excellent career
opportunities in the area. In addition, many individuals use employment with gov-
ernment agencies as a training ground where they can gain valuable experience
before moving into the private sector. Most organizations hire students for human
resources professional positions with either an associate or a bachelor’s degree. How-
ever, some organizations prefer the individuals they hire for these roles to have a
master’s degree, and a growing number of colleges and universities have started mas-
ter’s degree programs in human resources management. The Society for Human
Resource Management (SHRM), formerly the American Society for Personnel
Administration, is the world’s largest association devoted to human resources man-
agement, and it provides its members with considerable information about careers in
the field. Student memberships in SHRM are available at significantly discounted
rates, and a number of colleges and universities have student SHRM chapters.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1 organization is going to need in the future. Sometimes
Describe how advances in technology and other forecasting future human resources demand can be
factors have led to an increasingly strategic role in rather tricky, as unexpected events may occur. Human
organizations for human resources management. resources managers also plan with respect to the future
availability of needed employees, that is, the human
In recent decades the U.S. economy has shifted from
manufacturing to service. In a service economy, resources supply. Good HR managers look at both the
employees become the most important asset of a internal supply, people already working in the company
business, and thus the management of these who can be promoted or otherwise moved into needed
employees—human resources management—plays a positions, and the external supply, people outside the
central role. Moreover, computer and Internet organization who will have to be hired to fill needed
technologies have given human resources professionals slots. Increasingly, HR managers are recruiting
the opportunity to devote less time to the traditional employees for both permanent and temporary
record-keeping and payroll-processing functions of employment.
HRM and enabled them to focus more on strategic
business issues. Today, HRM is a very integral part of LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3
nearly all business organizations. Discuss the process of recruiting and selecting
employees for an organization.
Once human resources hiring plans have been formu-
Explain how human resources managers engage in lated, a very important role of HRM becomes coordi-
planning and forecasting.
nating the recruitment and selection of these employ-
One important strategic role human resources ees. At the heart of recruiting is the development of a
managers play is in human resources planning. Such good applicant pool, or pool of people wanting to work
planning involves ascertaining what types of people the in a given job. Employees are then selected from this
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