Page 250 - Introduction to Business
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224     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

            indeed argued that teams with African American      Web Assignments
            coaches should get extra draft picks, while teams
            without African American coaches or other clear  1. The Society for Human Resource Management
            indications of having a diverse front office should  (SHRM) is the world’s largest association devoted
            lose draft picks. Others have argued that African   to HRM, with over 175,000 members. It was
            American players should boycott playing for teams   founded in 1948 and has more than 500 affiliated
            that have not been proactive in this regard. What   chapters in the United States and members in
            do you think? Any ideas for positively addressing   more than 120 countries. Go to its website at
            this issue?                               , and find a list of the 500 affiliated
         2. Americans work harder than employees in almost      chapters. Also, find and read SHRM’s most recent
            every developed country in the world. While         annual report and make a list of its top priorities
            employees in countries like Germany, Italy, and     and initiatives. And if you’re interested, look and
            France take an average of 35 to 40 vacation days,   see if they have any jobs or internships open!
            including public holidays, per year, Americans   2. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Com-
            squeeze in an average of only about 14 vacation     mission (EEOC) plays a major role in regulating
            days. Americans also tend to work as many or        today’s workplace. Go to the EEOC website,
            more hours per week. Moreover, these differences, and prepare short one-paragraph
            have been increased by advances in technology       summaries of five current posted news items
            like cell phones and e-mail, which permit Ameri-    involving the EEOC. Also, write a one-page history
            cans to work even while on vacation. But is all this  and evaluation of the success of the EEOC’s media-
            work, which many Americans wear as a badge of       tion program.
            honor, good? Increasingly, medical studies show a  3. The International Labor Organization (ILO) is a
            correlation between a lack of vacation time and ill-  branch of the United Nations dealing with the
            nesses such as heart attacks. In addition, there is  rights of workers throughout the world. Go to its
            evidence that taking vacations leads to increased   website,, and familiarize yourself with
            workplace productivity when on the job—that         the general goals and operations of this agency.
            refreshed workers are better workers. What do you   Then go to its special website for the United States
            think? Should the United States move toward the     at and write a one-page analysis of the
            European and Canadian models of more worker         ILO’s key things the ILO does and the role of the
            vacation time?                                      United States in this organization.

                      Portfolio Projects

        Exploring Your Own Case in Point                    Starting Your Own Business
        In this chapter we presented a comprehensive overview  After reading this chapter, you should be able to add
        of the human resource function of major corporations.  information about your company’s human resources to
        Answering these questions will help you better under-  your business plan.
        stand this important dimension of your company’s     1. Will your business need to hire employees? If so,
        operations.                                             what types of individuals will have to be hired ini-
         1. What types of employee staffing needs is your       tially?
            company going to have during the coming decade?  2. How do you intend to recruit the initial employees
            What are some of the primary places your com-       your business will need? Do you already have any
            pany recruits for new employees?                    individuals in mind?
         2. Does your company have pension/retirement        3. Do you plan to offer health insurance and other
            plans for its employees? If it has a defined benefit  benefits for the employees you plan to initially
            plan, is this plan adequately funded?               hire? From what carrier(s) do you hope to obtain
         3. Are any of your company’s employees represented     such insurance and other benefits?
            by labor unions? If so, when do its current collec-  4. Is there a chance your business might face an early
            tive bargaining agreements expire?                  union organizing drive or request for recognition
         4. How diverse is your company’s workforce? Are any    by a labor union? How do you plan to react to such
            of its top executives females or minority group     a unionization effort by your employees?
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