Page 253 - Introduction to Business
P. 253
Motivating and
Leading Employees
Introduction Learning Objectives
What Is Motivation?
After studying this chapter, you should be able to
Traditional Motivational Theories
Classical Theory: Taylor’s Scientific 1 Explain what motivation is, and the impor-
Management Theory tance of keeping employees motivated.
Behavior Theory: The Hawthorne Studies
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 2 Discuss Frederick Taylor’s scientific
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory management theory, and explain how his
McGregor’s Theories X and Y pioneering work has practical value even
Ouchi’s Theory Z today.
Contemporary Motivation Theories 3 Compare the behavioral studies of Elton
Expectancy Theory
Mayo with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs,
Equity Theory
and explain which theory is more
Reinforcement Theory
meaningful today.
Enhancing Employee Performance and Job
Satisfaction 4 Explain why Theories X and Y are totally
Management by Objective different from Theory Z.
Use of Teams by Firms 5 Summarize contemporary motivation
Participative Management and Employee
Empowerment theories and describe the richness of each
Job Enrichment and Redesign of the three major theories.
Work-Life Programs 6 Compare management by objective with
Flextime Programs participative management and the use of
Part-Time Work teams by firms.
Work-Share Programs
7 Explain why job enrichment and redesign
Self-Managing Teams
Telecommuting and Alternative Work Styles are important and describe how they can
be done to achieve corporate goals.
What Is Leadership?
Major Leadership Theories 8 Define the objective of work-life programs,
Servant Leadership and summarize the pros and cons of the
Transactional and Transformational Leadership various approaches.
Charismatic Leadership
9 Discuss what leadership is, and summarize
Contingency Theories of Leadership
the major leadership theories.
Chaos Theory
The Practice of Leadership 10 Identify how leadership impacts corporate
Autocratic Style success, and critically discuss the various
Democratic Style leadership styles used today.
Free-Rein Style
The Contingency Approach to Leadership
Careers in Motivation and Leadership
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