Page 251 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 6 Human Resources Management 225
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True/False Questions 2. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Corporation likes to
Please indicate if the following statements are true or hire
false: a. high school dropouts.
1. Few female attorneys have shown any b. only people from New Jersey.
interest in part-time legal employment. c. college students ranking in the top 5 per-
cent of their class.
2. With the increased movement of the United
d. scientists.
States toward being a knowledge economy,
e. college students with average grades.
the human resources management func-
tion has taken on greater importance in 3. One problem with rewarding employees on
businesses. the basis of seniority is
3. Southwest Airlines Company puts a strong a. it takes away incentives for individual
emphasis on developing a very large job employee performance.
applicant pool. b. it rewards employee loyalty.
c. it is seen as being fair and equitable.
4. Stockbrokers generally receive mostly fixed
d. unions do not like this approach.
e. it promotes pay confidentiality.
5. The growth in employee benefit packages
4. An example of knowledge- or skill-based
dates back to World War I.
pay is
6. The process of 360-degree feedback
a. getting paid more for selling more of a
involves employees evaluating their bosses.
7. Unions are under a duty to fairly represent
b. getting paid more for earning a master’s
all employees in a given NLRB-certified col-
degree at a university.
lective bargaining unit, including employ-
c. being paid a commission.
ees who did not support the union.
d. getting paid a profit sharing bonus.
8. Labor issues were not a highly controversial e. being paid above the minimum wage.
part of NAFTA.
5. In defined contribution pension plans,
9. The Equal Pay Act says that men and investment decisions are generally made by
women must be paid the same if they are
a. the employer.
doing essentially the same work.
b. the PBGC.
10. The Family and Medical Leave Act entitles c. ERISA.
employees to up to 12 weeks of paid leave d. the employee.
in the case of family situations or illness. e. the NLRB.
6. In a forced distribution employment evalu-
Multiple-Choice Questions
ation process
Choose the best answer.
a. all employees get bonuses.
1. A job specification involves a
b. some employees are forced to earn grad-
a. systematic evaluation of the elements uate university degrees.
required for a job. c. all employees can receive high perform-
b. list of the duties of a job. ance rankings.
c. detailed list of the skills, education, and d. FLSA problems tend to exist.
other credentials needed for a job. e. some employees will receive poor per-
d. forecast of human resources demand. formance rankings.
e. type of employment outsourcing.
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