Page 245 - Introduction to Business
P. 245

CHAPTER 6   Human Resources Management   219

                    Case in Point

                                Workforce Diversity at McDonald’s

                                The McDonald’s Corporation is strongly  Council of La Raza, the NAACP, and the
                                committed to workforce diversity, and  Rainbow/Push Coalition. McDonald’s has won
                                indeed to diversity with respect to all  numerous awards for its workforce diversity efforts,
                    its various stakeholder groups, franchisees, suppliers,  including being named the Best Employer for Asians
                    and so on. Its mission with respect to corporate  and as one of the Top 25 Companies for People with
                    diversity is to “leverage the unique talents, strengths  Disabilities.
                    and assets of our diversity in order to be the world’s
                    best quick service restaurant experience.” To achieve
                    this mission, the company has a clear vision of
                    ensuring that its employees “reflect and represent
                    the diverse populations McDonald’s serves around   1. Why is workforce diversity so important to a com-
                    the world.” The company has a wide-ranging           pany like McDonald’s?
                    diversity education program including special      2. What are some financial mechanisms McDonald’s
                    seminars on topics such as female, Hispanic, African  might use to achieve better franchise diversity?
                    American, and Asian career development. In fostering  3. What are some specific approaches McDonald’s
                    its workplace diversity, McDonald’s has established  might take to develop even closer relationships
                    close relationships with a wide range of groups      with groups like the NAACP and the National
                    including the National Urban League, the National    Council of La Raza?

                 Having a highly diverse workforce, though, arguably has both pros and cons and
                 raises a number of important issues.

                 Advantages and Challenges of a Diverse Workforce

                 There are numerous obvious advantages to having a diverse workforce. Clearly a
                 highly diverse workforce can bring very helpful insights into marketing goods to a
                 highly diverse customer base. A diverse workforce may also be more creative and
                 innovative than a more homogeneous one. On the negative side of things, however,
                 a diverse workforce may be less cohesive and have more communication problems
                 than a homogenous work group. In addition, there may be some mistrust and ten-
                 sion in a diverse workforce, especially if some colleagues are seen as having gotten
                 their jobs through preferential treatment.

                    LEARNING OBJECTIVE 8
                    Analyze the difference between equal employment opportunity and affirmative
                    action, the impact of this difference on workplace diversity, and recent
                    developments in affirmative action and workplace diversity.

                 Equal Employment Opportunity
                 Versus Affirmative Action                                                equal employment opportunity The
                                                                                          principle that all groups of employees
                 Laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are equal employment oppor-  should be treated equally in the
                 tunity laws; they are laws that mandate that employees of all kinds of backgrounds  employment relationship
                 be treated equally in the workplace. The concept of equal employment opportu-  affirmative action The principle that
                                                                                          some groups of employees should
                 nity is considerably different, though, from the concept of  affirmative action.
                                                                                          receive a degree of preference in the
                 Affirmative action involves an organization taking special steps to recruit, hire, and  employment relationship

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