Page 330 - Introduction to Business
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304     PART 3  Marketing

            Chapter Questions                                   Interpreting Business News

         1. What aspects of marketing are included in the   Miele is a German manufacturer of dishwashers,
            marketing mix? Can you think of anything else that  washers, dryers, and vacuum cleaners. The
            might be included?                              company’s sales are concentrated chiefly in Western
         2. Can you think of any other problems, besides the  Europe. Its products are high quality and carry
            lower share of profits, that Starbucks might    correspondingly high prices. Annual sales are about
            encounter as it expands into international      $2 billion.
            markets?                                           Since the 1980s, Miele has been expanding outside
         3. Besides the kinds of goods and services purchased  Western Europe, with particular emphasis on Australia
            by older people, are there any other aspects of the  and the United States.
            older-person market that marketers should know     California recently elected to outlaw the use of
            about?                                          perchloroethylene (“Perc”) in the 3,500 professional dry
         4. What are the major differences between          cleaners in the Los Angeles area. Chicago and other
            sociological and psychological dimensions of the  cities are expected to follow soon with the same
            consumer market?                                restriction. “Perc” is used by 85% of all dry cleaning
         5. What are the differences and similarities between  establishments in the United States.
            consumer and business-to-business markets? How     Miele estimates that there are 33,000 dry cleaners in
            might these affect strategies used to market to  the United States. Using that figure, the company
            them?                                           believes that there is a $1.5 billion market for their
         6. Describe the major differences between domestic  washers and dryers, which do not require the use of
            and international markets. Why do you think     “perc,” but instead use water. This estimate is buoyed by
            companies that have marketed their products or  a six percent increase in the United States for home
            services solely to the domestic market would    improvement products in the previous year.
            decide to introduce them into international      1. Do you think that this market presents a good
            markets?                                            opportunity for Miele? Why or why not?
         7. Suppose the only way you could get secret        2. What should Miele’s objectives be in this market?
            and valuable information about a major           3. How should Miele try to achieve these objectives?
            competitor was to lure away one of its high-
            level executives with top dollars and pump him     An article in the April 19, 2004, issue of Business
            for that information. Would you do it? Why or   Week (Andrew Park, “Dude You’re Getting a Printer”)
            why not?                                        discusses Dell, Inc.’s move into the printer market. It
         8. Carefully distinguish between marketing         contains a number of references to Dell’s objectives and
            information systems (MIS) and marketing research  strategies–two important concepts discussed in this
            as ways to collect information about markets and  chapter–as Dell implements this decision.
            the marketing environment.                         These include:
         9. Some marketers believe that share of wallet is a   • Dell views unit sales as one of its objectives. Dell’s
            better measure of how well a company is doing        sales in 2004 were expected to reach around 3.5
            than market share. Do you agree or disagree? Why     million units, with revenues of about $1 billion
            or why not?                                          (another objective of Dell).
        10. Do you believe that Michelin’s technology strategy  • Dell’s domestic market share for all-in-one inkjet
            will be successful? Why or why not?                  printers, which scan, copy, and fax, is 14.5 percent,
        11. Do you think it is okay for firms to give higher     compared to Hewlett-Packard’s leading figure of
            levels of service to their most profitable customers  55 percent.
            and lower levels of service to their least profitable  • Dell has a worldwide market share of 10 percent
            and unprofitable customers? Why or why not?          on ink jet and monochrome laser printers;
        12. How does the postpurchase experience of              Hewlett-Packard’s is around 45 percent.
            dissonance compare to the postpurchase             • Dell does not sell printers through retail stores.
            experience of dissatisfaction?                       Customers have to order them online or over the
        13. Do you think it is ethical for McDonald’s to use     phone; software lets them know when the
            mystery shoppers to find out how good or bad its     cartridges need to be replaced and Dell offers free
            service is? How else might it have obtained this     shipping and handling.
            information?                                       • Dell projects that its direct sales approach will
        14. Give five specific examples of marketing that you    result in low costs and low prices, forcing
            noticed yesterday.                                   competitor prices down. However, midway

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