Page 332 - Introduction to Business
P. 332

306     PART 3  Marketing

                      Test Prepper

                      You’ve read the chapter, studied the key terms, and the exam is any day now. Think you are ready to ace it?
                      Take this sample test to gauge your comprehension of chapter material. You can check your answers at the
                      back of the book.

          True/False Questions                                    3. Which of the following does not explain the
          Please indicate if the following statements are true or    success of niche marketing programs?
          false:                                                     a.  Needs of specific markets are recognized.
                1. Services account for about 80 percent of          b. Markets can be served quickly.
                   our nation’s gross domestic product.              c. Effective use of limited resources occurs.
                                                                     d.  Clear-cut visions of markets to be served
                2. Perception is a type of psychological vari-
                                                                       or not to be served are obtained.
                                                                     e. There is a lack of focus.
                3. The real self is the person you would like to
                                                                  4. Which state has the largest population?
                                                                     a. California
                4. Culture and subculture are types of socio-
                                                                     b. Texas
                   logical variables.
                                                                     c. New York
                5. Dissonance can occur after a purchase has
                                                                     d. Ohio
                   been made but before it is used.
                                                                     e. Delaware
                6. Governments account for about 25 percent
                                                                  5. Which of the following refers to cues and
                   of all purchases made in the United States.
                                                                     stimuli from our physical surroundings?
                7.  Japan has the world’s largest gross domestic
                                                                     a. Learning
                                                                     b. Perception
                8. Inflation involves the economic situation         c. Motives
                   where steep price increases are occurring.        d. Attitudes
                9. Secondary information is information that         e. Self-concept
                   is already available.                          6. Which of the following is not part of a
               10. Databases are banks of information that           person’s self-concept?
                   companies have about their individual             a. Self-image
                   customers.                                        b. Self-denial
                                                                     c. Ideal image
          Multiple-Choice Questions
                                                                     d. Looking-glass self
          Choose the best answer.                                    e. Real self
                1. Which of the following is not part of the      7. The most populous country in the world is
                   marketing environment?
                                                                     a. Russia.
                   a. Competition                                    b. the United States.
                   b. Colleges and universities                      c. China.
                   c. Technology                                     d. India.
                   d. Economy                                        e. Canada.
                   e. Culture
                                                                  8. Most of the countries with low per capita
                2. A company makes a profit of $5 million on         incomes are located in
                   revenues of $50 million. By dividing
                                                                     a. South America.
                   $5 million by $50 million, we obtain
                                                                     b. Europe.
                   a. profit margin.                                 c. the Middle East.
                   b. return on assets.                              d. Africa.
                   c. return on stockholders’ equity.                e. Asia.
                   d. market share.
                   e. market value.

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