Page 331 - Introduction to Business
P. 331
CHAPTER 8 Marketing Basics 305
through 2004, Hewlett-Packard still was able to 2. McDonald’s website, on October 25, 2002, contained
maintain a 16 percent profit margin. a press release announcing the appointment of Kay
Napier as the company’s senior vice president of
1. Are there any other objectives discussed in this marketing. Napier had previously served as Procter &
chapter not included in Dell’s objectives?
2. Dell gets 80 percent of its printer business from Gamble’s (P&G’s)Vice President of North American
Pharmaceuticals and CorporateWomen’s Health
business customers. What material in this chapter andVitality. In that position, she led P&G’s entry
does this performance figure suggest to you?
into the women’s health area and was responsible
for P&G’s U.S. and Canadian pharmaceutical efforts.
Web Assignments In accepting the position with McDonald’s, Ms.
Napier said, “I have long admired McDonald’s as
1. Go to Sony’s website and see what it says about one of the world’s greatest brands, and for what it
the company’s charitable giving. What are the represents to millions of customers every single
objectives of its giving program? What areas of day, in the restaurants and in local communities. I
society are targeted? Who is the recipient of Sony consider it an honor to be part of the team.”
Music Entertainment’s charitable activities? What Go to McDonald’s website and see if there are
kinds of victims has Sony helped? Do you think any announcements about executive hires. Are any
that Sony’s charitable giving program helps its of these in the marketing area? What position is
marketing effort? Why or why not? involved? What is the new executive’s background?
Portfolio Projects
Exploring Your Own Case in Point indicates that the company considers its customers
After reading this chapter, you will be familiar with the to be important?
major markets that business can serve, the marketing
environment, and how to obtain information about Starting Your Own Business
those markets and the environment. You will understand After reading this chapter, you should have an
the need for companies to decide on objectives and the appreciation for the importance of marketing for a new
strategies for achieving them. You will learn how to business venture. By addressing the following concerns,
effectively manage your customers. By answering the you will obtain invaluable information for the business
following questions for your selected company, you will plan needed to start your own business.
have a better idea of its marketing operations. 1. Describe the markets that your product or service
1. To what major market(s) does your company direct is directed to. If you have segmented your markets,
its products or services? Which specific segments indicate what criteria were used—age, gender,
of these markets are emphasized? income, geography, etc.
2. What objectives is your company trying to achieve? 2. Discuss how you will monitor competitors. What
Are they financial objectives such as profits and information will you want to gather about
sales? Are any of the objectives marketing competitors?
objectives such as market share? 3. Describe the information you will collect and store
3. Does your company appear to recognize the about customers. How will you obtain this
importance of its customers? What evidence information?
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