Page 363 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 9   Developing the Product and Pricing Mixes  337

                       from Ford’s annual product development budget  Wal-Mart are pressuring their suppliers to only provide
                       of $6 to $7 billion. It was estimated that the new  them with fast-moving products. Third, large-scale food
                       platform would require about $1 billion.     retailers—Albertson’s, Kroger, Safeway—are increasing
                     The development budget figures are based on    the number of private label products they develop and
                       Ford being able to continue wringing cost sav-  stock, leaving less shelf space for processors’ brands.
                       ings out of its team value management program,  (Robert Berner, Diane Brady and Wendy Zellner, “There
                       which relies on the identification of waste and  Goes the Rainbow Crunch,” Business Week, July 19,
                       employing less costly ways of obtaining raw  2004, p. 38).
                       materials and parts from suppliers.
                     Ford will be able to sell the car at a price in Asia  1. What concepts discussed in this chapter are
                                                                        referred to in this Interpreting Business News?
                       and South America that is much less than the  2. Why would food retailers want to market their own
                       $10,000 currently charged European consumers.
                                                                        private label products?
                  1. What concepts discussed in this chapter are     3. Which participant in the supply chain appears to
                     illustrated by this Interpreting Business News?    have the most power?
                  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
                     Ford’s strategy?
                  3. Are there other regions of the world in which the  Web Assignments
                     new vehicles might be sold?
                  4. Do you think that Ford’s new cars will be       1. Go to the websites for Sony, McDonald’s, and
                                                                        DaimlerChrysler. Compare the information
                     successful? Why or why not?
                                                                        contained on them about the products they offer
                    Large food processors, such as General Mills, H.J.  and their prices. Which website offers the most
                 Heinz, and Hershey Foods, are reducing the number of   information about the products? Do any discuss any
                 products they sell through food retailers. Three factors  new products that are being worked on? Are there
                 explain this decision. First, the processors believe that  any mentions of products being discontinued? Is
                 they can increase profits by trimming product lines that  product quality emphasized? How?
                 are not selling well and are beset by higher commodity  2.  Return to the websites in assignment 1. Is there
                 prices. (Prices of soybean oil and cheese increased 70  much information on these websites about the
                 percent and 80 percent, respectively, in 2003.) Heinz  firms’ prices? Do they appear to be using price as a
                 estimated that this strategy increased its operating   major competitive weapon? Are price reductions
                 income to $1.38 billion in 2003, up 17.5 percent over  being emphasized as a way of keeping and
                 that obtained in 2002. Second, large retailers like    attracting customers?

                              Portfolio Projects

                 Exploring Your Own Case in Point                   Starting Your Own Business
                 This chapter provides guidelines for developing a com-  You will need to develop product and pricing mixes for
                 pany’s product mix and pricing mix. Answer these key  your startup company. Drawing upon what you have
                 questions about your selected company’s product and  learned in this chapter, answer the following.
                 pricing mixes.                                      1. Describe the level of quality for your products or
                  1. How important are new products and services for    services.
                     your selected company? Can you identify any sig-  2. Describe the packaging for your products.
                     nificant technological breakthroughs that it has
                                                                     3. What warranties or guarantees will you offer for
                                                                        your products or services?
                  2. How much does your company spend annually on    4. Develop (or describe) your trademark or logo.
                     research and development? Does it appear to
                                                                     5. Develop a step-by-step approach for arriving at the
                     emphasize basic or applied research?
                                                                        prices you will initially charge for your products or
                  3. Do you believe the demand for your company’s       services. Be sure to consider the costs of your
                     products or services is elastic or inelastic?      products or services, competitor prices, and the
                     Does it vary according to types of products or     amount of marketing support you will provide
                     services?                                          each product.

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