Page 366 - Introduction to Business
P. 366
Developing the
Promotion and
Distribution Mixes
Introduction Learning Objectives
The Promotion Mix After studying this chapter, you should be able to
1 Explain the concept of integrated
Sales Promotion
marketing promotion.
Personal Selling
2 List ways to improve the effectiveness
of trade shows.
The Distribution Mix 3 Discuss the sales force’s main
Channels of Distribution responsibilities.
4 Discuss the ways in which sales person-
Careers in Promotion nel can conduct themselves ethically.
5 Distinguish between the channels of
Careers in Distribution
distribution for consumer products
and for industrial products.
6 Describe and give the advantages of
using nonstore retailers in channels
of distribution.
7 Explain the difference between
materials management and physical
8 Compare the advantages and disad-
vantages of the five modes of trans-
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