Page 390 - Introduction to Business
P. 390

364     PART 3  Marketing

        A railroad freight center.

        common carriers Trucks not owned by  A major decision that companies must make is whether to use common carriers,
        shippers on which they can ship their  trucks not owned by shippers on which they can ship their products for a fee, or
        products for a fee
                                     private carriers, their own fleet of trucks. Usually, the most significant factor in this
        private carriers Trucks owned and  decision is not the cost, but the extent to which the companies are satisfied with the
        operated by shippers
                                     level of customer service provided by the available common carriers. If shipments
                                     consistently arrive late and in poor condition, firms may be forced to invest in their
                                     own fleets. When the company owns its own fleet, it retains control over the trans-
                                     portation function. Thus, it can give the type and level of customer service it wants.
                                     It also has more flexibility in its operations. For example, it can ship when it wants
                                     and where it wants.
                                        Air transportation is the fastest mode of transportation available. It is also the
                                     most expensive. As a result, high-value items like industrial machinery and auto-
                                     mobile parts are frequently shipped by air. Because of the speed factor, perishable
                                     items like cut flowers, strawberries, and asparagus are shipped via airfreight. Many
                                     companies use air transportation to make emergency shipments to important
                                     customers. The extra cost is justified because of the good will that results. Because
                                     of the speed of service, companies shipping by air usually obtain a competitive
                                     advantage because they can provide better customer service. Samsonite Corpora-
                                     tion used airfreight to ship luggage from its Denver plant to dealers in Chicago,
                                     Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Merchandise got to dealers quicker, dealers
                                     did not have to carry as much inventory, and out-of-stock situations could be
                                        reality      Go to your college or university’s library and skim through the most
                                      CH ECK         recent issues of five business periodicals. How many advertisements
                                                     involved the five modes of transportation?

                                        Once the transportation mode has been selected, the shipper must determine
                                     the routes that the transportation mode should take. For example, truck routing
                                     involves decisions on when customers should receive deliveries, in what order the
                                     customer should receive the deliveries, and which roads should be used. Routing
                                     may have a number of objectives. Routes should be developed that minimize the
                                     times required to get shipments to customers. Total distance traveled should be

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